Cornell Republicans Reinstated by NY GOP Federation
Welcome back to the party.
The Cornell Republicans were stripped of their credentials for endorsing Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. Then they threatened legal action. Now it’s over.
The Cornell Daily Sun reports:
Cornell Republicans Reinstated in New York Federation After Threatening Litigation
The Cornell Republicans were reinstated in the N.Y. Federation of College Republicans today, in a reversal of the federation’s Sept. 4 decision to revoke the chapter’s credentials following its unorthodox endorsement of Libertarian Gary Johnson.
This announcement comes after the club filed an administrative appeal with the College Republican National Committee last Thursday, demanding to be immediately reinstated. A day after the Cornell Republicans threatened litigation, federation Chair Eli Nachmany resigned, saying he intended to focus on his job campaigning for Republican nominee Donald Trump.
“Since the leadership of the organization has changed, the executive board at the NYFCR has decided to take a vote on the reinstatement of Cornell University’s College Republican Chapter,” the federation announced in a Facebook post today.
The New York Federation said it was “happy to report” that a majority of its voting members supported reinstating the Cornellians, adding that the group is “eager” to work with the chapter “to support Republican candidates down the ballot.”
This statement marks a shift in the federation’s position — it had previously maintained that the Cornell Republican’s decision to endorse a candidate for president outside of the Republican party was unpalatable. Before the Cornell chapter was expelled, its leadership faced the options of either revoking the Johnson endorsement or leaving the federation.

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What a party. The Republicans can’t do anything right. They can’t even be Republicans without screwing it up.