CNN Anchor: Average Citizen Would Be ‘Hauled Away’ for Making Trump Remark on Disarming Hillary Bodyguards

Seizing on Donald Trump’s suggestion that Hillary Clinton’s bodyguards should disarm and “let’s see what happens to her,” CNN went into full Clinton-campaign mode this morning.

Leading the charge was Christi Paul, whom CNN curiously bills as an “anchor” rather than the Clinton surrogate she appears to be. Said Paul to Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord: “let’s say Joe Schmoe out in the audience said something like that. That would be seen, most likely, as a threat of some sort, and he would be hauled away. How is it that Donald Trump gets away with it?

Do “anchors” like Paul have any idea how shrilly partisan they sound? Do they care?

Lord made the logical retort, pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals like Clinton who are constantly surrounded by armed guards but favor a “nuanced” interpretation of the Second Amendment when it comes to the rights of average Americans to defend themselves. Clinton and other liberals also denounce Trump’s proposal for a wall, noted Lord, while living behind walls themselves.

CHRISTI PAUL: Jeffrey, I want to start with you. When you hear that comment, let’s say Joe Schmoe out in the audience said something like that. That would be seen, most likely, as a threat of some sort, and he would be hauled away. How is it that Donald Trump gets away with it?JEFFREY LORD: Christi, with all due respect, I totally disagree. Hillary Clinton believes in what she told George Stephanopoulos, she called for a quote unquote nuanced reading of the Second Amendment, unquote. Donald Trump’s point here is that once again we’ve got a bunch of elitists who want to have nuanced readings of what everybody else can do or not do with guns. And it isn’t just guns. All these people who oppose the wall to keep illegal immigrants out of the country live behind gated communities.

Note: the way CNN is attempting to change the topic from Hillary’s threat to the Second Amendment to Trump’s supposed threat to Hillary brings to mind the way, as Professor Jacobson noted at the time of the Benghazi disaster, the way the MSM tried to shift the focus from the deaths of Americans to Mitt Romney’s press conference criticizing Obama.