9/11 Memorial Vandalized at Occidental College

It’s astounding that something as simple as remembering an attack on America, the biggest one since Pearl Harbor, has become a problem for some people on college campuses.
The Los Angeles Times reports:
Outrage, questions after 9/11 memorial vandalized at Occidental College
Nearly 3,000 flags planted around Occidental College to remember the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks were vandalized over the weekend, provoking outrage and questions on the Eagle Rock campus and beyond.
The incident prompted a flurry of statements by student groups, as well as a pledge by university administrators to investigate the incident.
Members of the Occidental College Republican Club discovered the destruction early Sunday as well as fliers that “shamed the victims of 9/11,” they said.
The fliers, which displayed the image of the two World Trade Center towers, included the message: “R.I.P. The 2,996 Americans who died in 9/11. R.I.P. the 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis who died during the U.S. invasion for something they didn’t do.”
“This is beyond politics, this is about those lives that were so tragically taken,” the club said in the statement on Facebook.
“Freedom of speech is protected by the 1st Amendment,” Erica O’Neal, acting dean of students, said in a statement. “The right and freedom to debate complex, contentious issues and disagree with each other is fundamental to what we do at Oxy. At the same time, we may not express ourselves in ways that prevent others from engaging in protected speech.”
Here’s a video report:
Featured image is screen cap of video.

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Funny how so much of the political violence, vandalism, criminal activity, restrictions of rights, and hate speech is propagated by the Left. And yet the Right is called “deplorable”.