VIDEO: Young Hillary Supporters Urge Repeal of 2nd Amendment
“I think it would be a good idea. I hate the NRA.”

Hillary Clinton claims she has no intention of repealing the Second Amendment and her allies in media regularly dispel such notions as the stuff of conspiracy theories.
If you ask her young supporters however, you hear a very different story.
Campus Reform reports:
VIDEO: Hillary supporters want to repeal the 2nd Amendment
Throughout the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton has been adamant in her support of gun control—an issue that has dominated the national conversation in the wake of terrorist attacks in Orlando, Paris, Nice, and San Bernardino.
In an ABC News interview, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee called for extensive background checks and closing so-called online and gun show loopholes, asserting that 90 percent of Americans are in favor of her “common-sense gun measures.”
Campus Reform recently visited a Hillary Clinton event in Annandale, Virginia to find out just how far her millennial supporters were willing to go in their support of gun control legislation.
Throughout the afternoon, nearly everyone we spoke with advocated for restrictive gun control measures, with many even going so far as calling for the repeal the Second Amendment.
“Do you think it would be a good idea to repeal the Second Amendment?” Campus Reform asked.
“Oh yeah, definitely, I really think that we really need to start viewing human rights as more important than gun rights,” one Hillary supporter replied.
“In an ideal world, if the NRA wasn’t around, would you think it would be a good idea?” we asked.
Another Hillary supporter echoed the sentiment saying, “yeah I think it would be a good idea. I hate the NRA.”
Watch the stunning video below:
I have repeatedly made the claim that Hillary doesn’t need to repeal the Second Amendment. She can just bury it in new fees and regulations.
Bearing Arms supported my hypothesis in a recent column:
Here’s How “President Hillary” Will Destroy Your Gun Rights Without Repealing The Second Amendment
Hillary Clinton is running the first presidential campaign in the history of the United States based explicitly on the gutting of a core Constitutional and human right.
Clinton has made attacking the human right of self-defense a key part of her 2016 campaign, and if she’s elected—and down-ballot Democrats manage to take control of the Senate and/or House—she’s poised to be able to destroy the gun rights of American citizens in three distinct ways.
- Place progressive, anti-gun justices on the Supreme Court
- Pass bans on a wide range of common firearms
- repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA)
This alone is a solid argument for voting Trump.
Featured image via YouTube.

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“Oh yeah, definitely, I really think that we really need to start viewing human rights as more important than gun rights,” one Hillary supporter replied.
Oh, how little the young know. Self-defense, from state tyranny, from others, IS a human right.
“The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. And yet, though this truth would seem so clear, and the importance of a well regulated militia would seem so undeniable, it cannot be disguised, that among the American people[*] there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline, and a strong disposition, from a sense of its burthens, to be rid of all regulations. How it is practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization, it is difficult to see. There is certainly no small danger, that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights.”
Justice Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1833).
* Hillary supporters are clueless of course; but those in charge (like Hillary, Obama, CFR-types, et alia) are not. They know, like all tyrants have known, that the only effective means of controlling all of the people all of the time is disarming citizens so that they become subjects.
True. But where are they going to learn this? Certainly not in the institution they’re attending. Definitely not in the Campus Democrats meetings on campus. So… where?
Exactly right. This is the consequence of ceding the public schools to the Left.
The right to self-defense – thus access to the tools necessary – *is* a human right.
That the tools are abused is no reason to abrogate the right.
And these are the children who will be paying our Social Security and running the country when we retire.
We are so doomed.
Vote #NeverTrump! She’ll fix it!
Va.Gent ;
After the shellacking he got yesterday ya gotta give P-rags this ;
At the end of the day, he ruffled up his feathers, stuck his beak into the wind & defiantly declared, “I’LL NOT BE MOCKED!!
Bottom line ;
Never T-rumpers don’t care. It’s all Trumps & his supporters fault. Never T-rumpers in their twisted minds hold the moral high ground.
The second amendment is collateral damage.
That should tell you how alarmed some of your normal allies are with the prospect of a Trump presidency.
The only thing your response tells me is you’re a moron.
The morons are going to beat your a$$. That makes you below a moron.
None of you sufferers with TDS have a plan to deal with Pres Hillary. And that’s a tell. A plan forces you to let reality into your fantasy. When you make a plan the flaws in your fantasy view of the world become apparent and have to be dealt with. And that’s the problem for you – Trump has to be the red eyed, fire breathing, sulphorous monster of your fantasy. He has to be a million times worse than Hillary. Otherwise you have to deal with the reality of a President Hillary. And you’re not honest enough to do that. And that’s why you don’t have a plan.
You are the republican voter who stayed home because he couldn’t bring himself to vote for Romney and then spent the last 4 years blaming the republicans for not dealing with Obama. It could happen again because of fools like you who are in denial. Who can’t face the real world.
You’ll stay home on Nov 8, or vote 3rd party. On Nov 9 you’ll begin cursing the darkness you created. You’ll begin condemning those who were out there working to prevent the disaster, blaming them for not doing enough to convince you to do the right thing. The thing you should have done to prevent the disaster. For not treating you as the special snowflake you clearly are and kissing your ass until you relented and did what logic dictated you should have done from the beginning.
Trump has a plan? All I have heard so far is ranting. He is on his 3rd team in less than a year. He should be running to replace Pat Paulsen:
“All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian.
A gun is a necessity. Who knows if you’re walking down a street and you spot a moose?
Will I obliterate national debt? Sure, why not? “
Carolann Miracle is 4 feet, 11 inches tall and weighs 85 pounds. She’s a petite woman who seems like an easy target, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“I was scared, at first. I thought, ‘Am I really getting robbed?’” Miracle told ABC15.
Miracle said she was leaving the Circle K near 59th Avenue and Camelback Road with her family early Monday morning when the suspect, Frank Taylor , tried to bum a cigarette. She told him that she didn’t have one, and then seconds later, Miracle said, she could feel the barrel of the gun against her skin.
“He put the gun up to my neck and said, ‘It’s loaded, don’t move,’” Miracle said. ”I think he thought, ‘She’s a little girl. Maybe she doesn’t know how to use her weapon.’”
She knew how to use it.
Firearms can be the ultimate equalizer between smaller women and larger, predatory men — feminists ought to embrace their Second Amendment rights as Carolann Miracle did.
ever been rushed by a moose?
not as gentle as made out to be.
ORDA – I got it. Your plan to deal with a Hillary presidency is to embrace it.
@dmacleo It was a joke!
Pat Paulsen was a comedian who satirized the election process. Donald Trump could be his dummy.
@Ragspierre Look, as a practical matter I agree with you. I have actually been friends since childhood with a Lifetime member of the NRA.
But you are being anecdotal. Do you really want me to trot out the accidental shootings? The kid who shot his brother? his mother? his father? What about Columbine – please! This debate is not going to be settled with anecdotes.
It isn’t going to be settled with improved mental health, either. Nobody is going to be judged mentally ill until after they shoot someone. My god, they just let Hinckley go. He was delusional and he probably is cured. But he is hardly a poster child for either side and I will bet that he could get his hands on a gun if he wanted to.
You won. Be gracious. You are going to lose on abortion for the same reason you won on guns. You cannot stop it; especially if you are unwilling to criminalize the mother.
Accidental shootings are relatively uncommon, and the answer is more education of the kind the NRA sponsors. If more schools would allow Eddie Eagle in, and have shooters’ ed the same way they have drivers’ ed, there’d be even fewer accidents than there are now.
I’m just letting you haters play with yourselves today.
It’s a real vision.
I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and for these people to be asked about the 1st amendment too.
Scary stuff!
You got all that in 1:55 of edited tape? Scary!
Children of privilege being groomed to rule the plebes. The Magna Carta was written over 800 years ago. Clearly a worthless document. Unfortunately for these diluted and deluded souls, the people who own the guns know what the Second Amendment was written for as did the Founders, for times like these.
There are so many problems with this story that I will limit myself to the obvious.
The President has no official role in the Amendment process. But it did seem to me that half of it was abolished in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago.
Claiming that Clinton supports want to abolish the 2nd Amendment is inflammatory, as is claiming that pro-Choice people favor abortion through the 9th month. Do you people have any shame?
Go ahead – Flame away!
One can forget the bully pulpit and that Presidents can nominate judges and appoint officials that can diirectly affect the interpretation and administration of laws.? Intimidation of opposition using the force and money of the government never plays a part? When the stated support of pregnancy termination at 9 months is the position of a president and his appointed minions, does it matter that some think that wrong? You see no risks in incrementalism? I guess the chains do lay gently on your shoulders.
Who has a bigger bully pulpit than the NRA? How effective was Obama after Sandy Hook? How effective were the families of the dead children? How were mental health programs enhanced – isn’t that the NRA cop-out?
BTW, I think any such video needs to be taken will a large pile of salt until the unedited tape is reviewed. But it was interesting how many people mentioned the ‘value of life’. Hmmm
Nobody in the mainstream supports optional abortion at 9 months. In the event of imminent threat of death or serious harm to the mother, and a non-viable fetus, then YES. I only mentioned abortion as an example of how not to win Presidential elections.
When you hype the most extreme view or ask random people questions and then attribute their answers to the candidate, you are being intellectually dishonest and doing no favor to your cause. Statements like ‘Hillary wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment’ are not going to play well with the ‘moderate’ voters you need to elect Trump.
People like you are the reason I support the NRA, the second amendment and have a Concealed Carry Permit.
Noted. You carry a gun because of me? I am not a criminal. I just disagree with you in a democratic country. That sounds like a physical threat or a threat to violently overthrow the government unless people like me change our thinking.
The second amendment’s purpose is not self-defense from criminals. That’s the primary purpose of the unalienable human right it protects, but the amendment itself says the reason it’s so important to protect that particular right is to enable the people to violently overthrow the government if it infringes on their liberties. Even if it does so as the result of a democratic process.
@Milhouse So I will ask again to the new respondent: Are you advocating the violent overthrow of the government if Hillary wins or are you m-terbating?
A Clinton victory would certainly not be a reasonable trigger for a revolution. But a serious infringement of the RKBA might well be.
Your words speak volumes. Didn’t even have to cap any letters! Thank you.
I hope the do. Large volumes of us are voting.
That is simply not true. The current president and both major candidates for the Democrat nomination both support exactly that. So do Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, HRC, etc.
In fact 0bama even fought against a bill to require survivors of abortion to be cared for. He believes that a woman who wants a dead baby is entitled to have one, and if the baby was impertinent enough to survive the attempt to kill it then she has the right to expose it and leave it to die, just like the Greeks did with newborns they deemed defective.
Another outright falsehood. I mean, only you can say what “seemed to you”, but if so your “seeming” contradicted objective reality.
You keep sending up TRAP laws and gotcha laws and wonder why the pro-choice side fights everything. It is the same as what the gun rights crowd does with an arms law.
Do you really want a compromise? No? Then of course, we are going to fight everything. Camel’s nose under the tent. If we agree that a fetus cannot be aborted at 8 months 29 days because it is alive, how long before you want a law for 8 months 28 days? You know that.
Gee, imagine that. We won’t be satisfied with banning some murders, we want to ban them all. If you agree that killing a baby at 8 months and 29 days is murder then you should support banning it regardless of what you think may come next. That you don’t means you regard the slaughter as an acceptable price to prevent further restrictions you don’t agree with. You’d probably oppose a bill to ban lynching negroes, lest the next step would be one that also banned lynching Chinamen.
You win. I am converted. Hallelujah!
Do you want me to vote for Trump because he said the magic words; even though I know him to be a grifter? i will do whatever you instruct me to do.
@Millhouse ” You’d probably oppose a bill to ban lynching negroes, lest the next step would be one that also banned lynching Chinamen.” That seems more like a conservative issue.
Do you want me to vote for Trump because he said the magic words; even though I know him to be a grifter?
You really haven’t been paying attention. No, of course I don’t want you to vote for Trump. Among other reasons, because he is a grifter.
Oh, and anti-lynching laws were a Republican cause, opposed by Democrats.
@Milhouse I decided not to respond to your other replies because I think there is nothing new to be added. I am sure more gun education would be a good thing as would more sex education and easy access to contraception. The latter would reduce abortions or murder if you prefer. What would bolster your argument enormously would be if concern for the babies didn’t evaporate once they are born. It isn’t the baby’s fault if the parents are not what we would wish. It also isn’t a valid argument to point out that liberal solution don’t work. Conservative solutions generally are fanciful versions of laissez faire If you don’t want them ‘killed’, demonstrate that every last one of them will get decent food, shelter, clothing, education, health and dental care until the age of 18 no matter what their parentage. Which of us chose our parents? It would also help if they were made to fell welcome in the culture. It doesn’t even have to be altruism. Who knows what talents and gifts we are ignoring. It turned out that our integrated armed forces are better than the segregated ones were.
But I chose to answer this particular response because of the bull about democrats being responsible for slavery and every other sin of race relations. Your statement falls somewhere between sophistry and taunting. It is, most certainly, intellectual dishonesty of the highest order. However one writes or rewrites history, the current republican party is the successor to the old southern wing of the democratic party. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ………
You dishonor any argument you can make when you play that as your trump card (no pun intended). Your statement may be literally true, but it is in all other respects a perversion of the facts on the ground. Such an argument is dishonorable and a sign of lazy thinking.
Who has a bigger bully pulpit than the NRA?
ORDA, you are so far past stupid it’s hard to believe you can actually remember to breathe without prompting from your handler. Don’t forget to wake hitlery from her nap so she can remind you to inhale and exhale.
Find the NRA on the list compared to the anti gunners. Now add up the money they contribute versus the NRA.
Interesting. I didn’t say they spent more money. I said they had the biggest bully pulpit. If you wish to continue my education, please list what legislation that was objectionable to the NRA was passed during the 8 years of the Obama administration.
The fact that the NRA spent less money, yet stymied every attempt to tighten gun laws is impressive. Apparently the only 2 laws Obama signed expanded gun rights:
He did issue a bunch of Executive Actions, but no Executive Orders. I was ignorant of the distinction. Actions do not have the force of law – they are recommendations.
Executive orders don’t have the force of law either. They’re just instructions from the president to his employees. They have the same force as any boss’s orders. If you don’t obey them you get fired.
Interesting. I didn’t say they spent more money. I said they had the biggest bully pulpit.
A bully pulpit is a conspicuous position that provides an opportunity to speak out and be listened to.
This term was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt, who referred to the White House as a “bully pulpit”, by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda.
Inhale…….Exhale ORDA. Better, you were getting blue again.
Darned NRA, always calling press conferences slavishly attended by the msm to record and help them defend the 2A.
Or it could be the American people really do understand and want to protect their rights, and thus vote not to have them gutted by aristocratic authoritarians.
You do remember obama’s Chicago vote against a bill to protect people using a gun in their home to defend themselves, right? He’s such a gun advocate, best gun salesman for 8 years running now. That tell you anything about the people?
Hale DeMar, a 52-year-old Wilmette resident, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor violations for shooting, in the shoulder and leg, a burglar who broke into his home not once, but twice. Cook County prosecutors dropped all charges against DeMar.
In March 2004, the Illinois Senate passed Senate Bill 2165, a law introduced in response to DeMar’s case, with provisions designed to assert a right of citizens to protect themselves against home invasions, such that self-defense requirements would be viewed to take precedence over local ordinances against handgun possession. The measure passed the Illinois Senate by a vote of 38-20. Barack Obama was one of the 20 state senators voting against the measure.
Governor Rod Blagojevich vetoed the bill. On Nov. 9, 2004, the Illinois Senate voted 40-18 to override Blagojevich’s veto. Again, Obama acted against the bill.
On Nov. 17, the Illinois House voted overwhelmingly, 85-30, to override the governor’s veto and Senate Bill 2165 became law.
The democratic party, savior of the criminal class. Their natural constituency. Letting them back out of prison in batches all while complaining about innocent people having the means for defending themselves.
“The President has no official role in the Amendment process other than allowing illegals to vote and making sure the Black Panthers with clubs are unmolested.”
Man, the Constitution is SO OLD! Over 200 YEARS old! We don’t need those pesky rights listed in the Bill of Rights! The 1st Amendment is a PITA! The Founding Fathers made some mistakes, and they didn’t know anything about HATE SPEECH! I NEED my safe space! They didn’t know about terrorism either, so it’s time to ditch that 4th Amendment as well! And States’ rights – are you freaking kidding me? Yup, let’s just ditch the whole thing and proclaim a do over! We’re so much smarter and wiser than the Founding Fathers, we care more about “human rights” than “gun rights”!!
These people are far beyond ignorant – they are truly dangerous. They don’t deserve to live under freedom – I just wish they would go live somewhere else where they have no liberty, and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
Excuse me while I barf ~
“The Founding Fathers made some mistakes” Yep, they did. Hence the other amendments.
For the rest of your rant – please continue. Be sure to dress up properly. The rant isn’t so much sarcasm as a straw man argument. It is also kinda boring and derivative.
Are you aware that at the height of the Vietnam War, Martha Mitchell ripped a Gadsden flag out of the hands of anti-war protestor. Apparently, the irony totally escaped her.
You don’t hold a patent on the ideas or ideals of the constitution.
Oh, gee, you’ve hurt my feelings – not.
You are like every other progressive I’ve ever encountered – you engage in projection, as anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell by reading your responses on this or any other thread here at LI.
It must really be painful for you to have your head so far up your arse like that, but go ahead. Continue to fancy yourself an expert on deconstructing the Constitution, since the rest of us are apparently too naive to understand that whole living and breathing thing.
You’re not worth any more of my time, since you’re stuck in your ideology of failure and bondage and can’t be bothered to listen to anything that contradicts your twisted view of reality. Have fun with that. The rest of us would echo Patrick Henry, but I don’t really expect you to comprehend that, even if you manage to get the reference.
We’ll see who has the last laugh.
A few points…
1. a video with anecdotal interviews of moronic snowflakes is not much of anything to get excited about.
2. for a few years now, I’ve counseled people to put out their flaming hair over gun control. I’ve been right.
3. the trend in the U.S. has been TOWARD support for gun rights, with some predictable retrenchments in states like Kulhifornia.
4. a lot of this hoopla assumes that a lying liar who lies (Hellary) isn’t lying to her base to get elected. That seems a thin reed.
5. you’ll remember how well Prohibition worked. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I won’t obey a law, regulation, or any damn thing that is designed to disarm me. I’m betting that will be a very widely held position.
6. I don’t trust T-rump, and I’ve never seen any reason I should. I don’t give a shit what he says. He’s said crap alllll over the map, and you are lying if you say different. I don’t do blind faith.
I hate to do this, as it will rile up the populace. With the exception of abortion, we actually agree on reality; if not ideology. As I pointed out in this tread, the bully pulpit lies with the NRA; not the president.
Not only is the video anecdotal, but it is edited. There are a few places where the answer is not coupled with the question. Clearly, the videographer set out to make a point. He has succeeded with a very credulous audience.
Sorry to do this to you. You might never live it down. That is not why I did it.
As I pointed out in this tread, the bully pulpit lies with the NRA; not the president.
Inhale……. exhale ORDA. Feeling better now? You looked a little blue there.
You’ve convinced me, the bully pulpit is all NRA.
Seems we can’t hardly turn on the tv and they’re taking over the airwaves to denounce maobama. I swear it’s all one ever sees and hears anymore is NRA on the television and radio. Maybe we should change the stations name to NRABC tv?
It gets so tiring to watch the msm swoon and rejoice at every NRA utterance. Sure wish the msm would one day start saying bad things about the NRA for balance. Bunch of lapdogs in the media.
I sure do hate one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the United States getting all that free air time to propagandize their position. Sure do wish they’d never armed the blacks.
Who exactly is going to round them up, Hillary supporters? And how exactly are they going to do it without using guns, with knives? I say, “Bring It On!”
There are police, the ATF, the FBI, etc. But you are right. It is not going to happen. Where are the concentration camps that riled up the right when Obama got elected?
Obama didn’t find a new use for Gitmo?
No police force in their right mind would go around confiscating guns. It would be a suicide mission.
ORDA sez….”Noted. You carry a gun because of me? I am not a criminal. I just disagree with you in a democratic country.”
First of all, this is a constitutional republic. Democracy is a fallacy supported by closeted communist, such as yourself.
Lastly, I don’t need a gun to protect myself from you personally…….I could finish you off with my bare hands if need be but being a cute little commie you would have some sort of weapon cached away while you try and take mine.
One more thing, home boy: the first rule of holes is when you find yourself in one, stop digging.
Yes it is a constitutional republic. But it is also a representative democracy.
I am not a communist and if I was i would lie about it.
“Lastly, I don’t need a gun to protect myself from you personally” Yeah, that is why you are typing.
“One more thing, home boy: the first rule of holes is when you find yourself in one, stop digging.” Take the mirror away.
What none of you seem to want to admit is whether you advocate the violent overthrow of the government if Hillary wins. People bought a lot of guns after Obama got elected, but he is still there. So what are you going to do?
To all you #never T-rumpers ;
Continue to do as you’ve always done. Listen to the moron. With the declared alliance of ORDA with P-rags you’ll double down on assured results.
Ragspierre agreed to nothing. You are apparently out of ripostesand reduced to insults. The results are indeed assured because you are backing a grifter who just can’t help but be who he is. NY already knew and now the rest of the country knows.
I didn’t say P-rags allied with you.
fuzzy slippers, is that you?
yep, and you are typing quite furiously to try and get the last word in, tough guy.
face the facts, pal……that little yellow haired girl spurned your advances in the third grade and that chick in the lavender dress keeps pulling the football away from you at the last minute.
good grief.
It’s not for Posterity or the People. More human lives are lost in abortion chambers and Planned Parenthood’s Mengele division.
Will Obama, Clinton et al disavow Cecile and other abortionists?
The Pro-Choice Church seems firmly committed to the final solution and to torture, harvesting, and trafficking of [wholly innocent] human lives done by Planned Parenthood et al.
You must have attended our secret meetings.
See that the TROLL is really active today!
The trolls were already here. It is uncommon sense that showed up.
When you use the term “uncommon sense”, it’s another way to say you’re a moron.
You think are writing to a moron. What does that make you?
You’re right, I’ve been unfair to morons. You’re a step below a moron.
You’re an idiot.