Prager University has published a new video which is an instant classic. Haverford College student Olivia Legaspi compares her experiences as a college student to her job at McDonald’s which gave her the opportunity to attend college and explains why her job was more educational.
Legaspi suggests that when she was working at McDonald’s, there were no trigger warnings before irate customers complained to her and no safe spaces to which she could retreat.
She correctly explains that if she complained to her boss that the fast pace of her work made her uncomfortable, he would have handed her a final paycheck and showed her to the door.
She also speaks at length about the problem solving skills and self reliance she took away from her job at the restaurant and that she appreciated the opportunity to acquire those skills.
In other words, Olivia Legaspi is exactly the type of young person you would want to hire if you were an employer.
Here’s the video description from Prager University:
Can working at McDonald’s better prepare a young adult for life than attending college? For Haverford undergraduate Olivia Legaspi, college taught her that her feelings are more important than anything; but working at McDonald’s she learned that serving others comes first. Which of those lessons is more important? Olivia Legaspi explains.
Watch the whole thing below:
This young woman has a bright future. Despite a bad economy, people like Legaspi are usually able to find work due to their professional attitude and work ethic.
Other Millennials would be wise to follow her example.
Featured image via YouTube.