Trump-Supporting Artist’s Sculpture is Torched in Staten Island

While the elite media, leftists activists, and Clinton’s minions explored new human limits in hyperbole yesterday by connecting Donald Trump’s Second Amendment comments to incitement to violence, the GOP presidential candidate’s supporters experienced real attacks.

Arguably, the most dramatic of these episodes involved a vividly colored sculpture by artist Scott LoBaido, whose work was displayed at the home of his friend, Sam Pirozollo. The artwork was torched over the weekend.

A Staten Island Trump supporter’s gigantic red, white, and blue T lawn ornament went up in flames early Sunday morning.The incident occurred shortly after 1 a.m. Sunday on a New York island that Donald Trump won with an astounding 80 percent of the vote. The homeowner, Sam Pirozzolo, said his neighbors knocked on his door to alert him that the 12-by-8-foot foam sign was ablaze. The FDNY put out the flames, which, thankfully, did not damage Pirozzolo’s home. The NYPD is investigating the crime as an arson; the sign appears to have been doused in gasoline.Pirozzolo said two smaller pro-Trump signs disappeared from his property last week, too. “I assume it was committed by a pro-Hillary supporter,” Pirozzolo told the Staten Island Advance. “I hope that this incident [the fire] is elevated from an arson to a hate crime, because that’s how I see it since it was done on my private property.”

The term “sign” is misleading. The piece was a fully formed piece of art in support of Trump’s candidacy. Imagine what the outcry would have been had Christians done something similar to “Piss Christ” or “Cow Dung Virgin Mary.”

LoBaido is one of those rare conservative artists, like our own Antonio F. Branco. Our Tea Party’s resident artist is Sarah B., who created the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition logo and other pieces for the San Diego group. She found this act of vandalism particularly disturbing, saying:

“Freedom of the artists is a gauge of how truly free a society is. I cannot imagine what will happen to this nation if progressives successfully silence dissenters by vandalism, threats, and intimidation. If you want to counter a message, put up one of your own. Don’t destroy another’s work. Any liberal who supports this arson is a complete hypocrite.”

The left has been loudly howling about “Jim Crow.” Yet, Pirozollo’s family was treated to a front row performance of Crow-style thuggery: “Oh, my God, this is like the Ku Klux Klan burning a cross on my lawn, telling me that I have to shut up,” he said regarding the fire.

Trump called Pirozzolo and offered his support and gratitude:

Sam Pirozzolo said the Republican candidate called his cellphone around 4 p.m., saying: “This is Donald Trump. I saw what happened all over the news. I appreciate everything you are doing.”“It’s horrible what happened to you. I hope you and your family are safe,” Pirozzolo said Trump added.

Pirozollo and LoBaido also put up an even larger sign.

Pirozolloa’s family is fortunate that the fire was quenched before it damaged the home, as the artwork was built close to the house. Besides arson and criminal trespass, I would toss in a charge of reckless endangerment and maybe consider a civil lawsuit as well.

However, I will let the real legal experts among or Legal Insurrection friends offer their suggestions. I am sure they will be very sensible.

At this point, Pirozollo is grateful for the support. He wrote this on Facebook:

Once again I would like to take the time to say thank you and offer an apology to all of our friends, neighbors and supporters. My family and I are truly humbled and grateful that we live in a community where so many have written and visited to show their support against this terrible act of cowardice and vandalism. We are truly fortunate to have your support. I would also like to say thank you to all of those who did media interviews that stood up not only for my family but for one of our most precious rights and that is the right of free speech.

And I am grateful for patriots like Pirozollo and LoBaido who aren’t willing to be cowed by self-righteous progressive haters.

(Featured image via Twitter).

Tags: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton