Former Jeb Super PAC head: I’d Vote for Hillary Over ‘Neo-Racist’ Trump
Mike Murphy: “He’s a demagogue and a neo-racist and I hope he loses: he deserves to lose.”

Mike Murphy — who ran Jeb’s Super PAC — says that “if it came down to just my vote and I had to decide, I’d probably vote for Hillary and then jump in a lake out of massive depression.”
Appearing on With All Due Respect, Murphy added that he hopes Trump doesn’t win because he’s “a demagogue and a neo-racist.” Murphy gave Trump a 10% black-swan shot of winning.
Murphy says he can’t vote for Trump because “I love my country.”
MARK HALPERIN: Mike, I’ve got to ask you our three form-letter questions we ask every Republican who comes on the show now just so people know where you’re at. Who are you voting for in this election?
MIKE MURPHY: My current plan—I’m not going to vote for Trump, I can’t. I love my country. But I may vote for a business guy who took over the Republican nomination and was a far bigger patriot: Wendell Wilkie. I may write in the name of long-deceased Wendell Wilkie. I may write in Jeb Bush.
HALPERIN: Any chance you’d vote for Hillary?
MURPHY: You know, if it came down to just my vote and I had to decide, I’d probably vote for Hillary and then jump in a lake out of massive depression.
HALPERIN: Our second form question is: do you hope Trump wins or not?
MIKE: No, I think it would be horrible for the country. He’s a demagogue and a neo-racist and I hope he loses: he deserves to lose.
HALPERIN: And last question is, what do you think percent chance Trump wins is right now?
MURPHY: I think about 10%:, take a huge black swan.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Just the sort of convoluted thinking that will sink us.
That wasn’t thinking, it was just a mish-mash of name-calling.
While not taking him literally about jumping in a lake, still the implication is that he’ll help create the problem, a Hillary Clinton presidency, and then bail.
The sore loser who blew tens of millions of donor dollars on a failed campaign is now acting like a petulant brat. Who couldn’t have predicted that.
He got his 10%/of that hundred million
Deny individual dignity. Embrace [class] diversity if you are racist, sexist, etc. The terms, they are a changing.
Another anti-endorsement that will only garner Trump more votes.
Really? In what demographic?
I keep reading comments like yours. Trump must be close to 100% of the vote by now.
Unfortunately, it has been my observation that when a lot of a party come out for the other party, your candidate is toast. Remember the Reagan Democrats? Now we have the Hillary Republicans.
Apparently Arizona and Georgia are in play! Yippee!
Reagan Democrats voted for Reagan because they liked his ideas. No such luck for Hillary. She’s disposed on both the right and the left, only many conservatives despise Trump even more. She is yet to articulate a single idea that would appeal to us.
That wasn’t my point.
I know. Just making sure you understand that there is no such thing as a Clinton Republican.
Why would I care?
Why would you care?
“Remember the Reagan Democrats? Now we have the Hillary Republicans.”
You referenced something that doesn’t exist, as if they exist, so if you don’t care, then you’re just making stuff up. Based on your previous posts, that is what we should expect from you.
Hate isn’t part of contributing to an intelligent discussion. Hating is a choice you are making. Give up the hate.
So you don’t want to call them Hillary Republicans. I don’t care because Trump is falling down a flight of stairs. 50 Republican Security experts dissed him yesterday. Give them whatever name you wish. You say Hillary Democrats don’t exist. What do I care if you claim they don’t exist.
You are the one making stuff up. Just because I am not part of the bubble at this site doesn’t mean I am making things up. You can expect truth and logic from me. I can expect that you will deny, deny, deny and make stuff up.
Why would I care? “Remember the Reagan Democrats? Now we have the Hillary Republicans.” Oh, they exist even if they don’t use that name and they should. Bad as Hillary is, Trump is just a grifter and the country has come to that conclusion. The number of undeceived has shrunk below the margin of difference. Arizona & Georgia are in play. Good work, Donald. Mormons don’t like him. Good work.
So I you don’t care when you’re just making stuff up. Based on your previous posts, that is what I expect. You can’t see what is squarely in front of your face. Being realist seems like first principles.
“Hate isn’t part of contributing to an intelligent discussion.”? Do you read the stuff on this site or just comment out of reflex. Every 2nd comment is nothing but hate. Hate liberals. Hate Clinton. Hate Muslims. Hate, hate hate. Would you like me to send you a cc every time someone on this site expresses hate – article or comment? You inbox would overflowith.
Hate, Hate, Hate, that is such an old DNC talking point. Give me a break. Most of the hate, bigotry and racist comes from the left. BLM, attacks on Israel, attacks on the Catholic Church, attacks on people that follow the law, attacks on people with morals, attack on the right to life….the list goes on. The Hate Machine “is the DNC”.
The problem with the GOP is they let the DNC define them as the hate party. I bet I can counter every claim that you make about Trump’s hate to your distortion of the real issue and cite at least one example of Hillary’s hateful positions on moral principles. I bet every one of your examples of hate against Trump are just a distraction against the true issue.
“The Wall” has been a government program for years but is made to be this racist thing. Proper vetting of foreign immigrates, yea, it is needed. Can you really tell me the US has gotten better at vetting?
“MIAMI, Florida (CNN) — Six months to the day after Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Immigration and Naturalization Service notified a Venice, Florida, flight school that the two men had been approved for student visas.”
“Obama says the border fence is ‘now basically complete’
So “PLEASE” cut the crap on the hate game. We know who the real haters are.
I live in GA and the only people who believe that GA will go for hillary live in Atlanta and are gay. The fish wrapper here, the AJC, is so liberal that like the NYT they have hired a pseudo conservative to be “Fair and balanced”. Watch for flying pigs around your home and if you see one then hillary will take GA.
Why are we entertaining the possibility of GA going to Hillary?
I’d like to buy that. But Atlanta is solidly blue and Georgia has a fair number of Democrats. If the Pubs pull together and have a decent GOTV then no worries. However, Mr. Trump hasn’t been working well with state GOP operatives, and I’m afraid the local GOTV efforts are going to be poor.
You can win if your people don’t show up to vote.
I’m not worried about the polls, many of which are ginned up by the poodle press and have a distinct agenda (as well as a distinct odor). I am, however, worried about the local enthusiasm and the local/state GOTV efforts. Mr. Trump needs these to win.
Arrrgh: LI need an edit function.
“You CAN’T win if your people don’t show up to vote.”
I don’t recall this acute response to Obama when he demanded “redistributive change” and since. It must imply something different than its plain and historical meaning.
With the enthusiastic consummation in one wing, the grudging adoption in the other, and the Humpty Dumptys following their special and peculiar interests, Obama was the establishment candidate after all, and Clinton his appointed successor.
Then there is the far left/far right nexus offering liberals with benefits at one end and liberals without benefits at the other.
So, who is the preferred candidate for Profits of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Government Whoring? The People and our Posterity lose.
What a turd. Sorry Mike, Jeb! was a loser.
If those are the reasons why he would not vote for Trump, then he should not vote for Hitlary either.
Just looking at his picture makes me remember that I miss Louie Nye.
Mike Murphy is the Republican equivalent to Bob Shrum: both men were political “surgeons” who lost most of their patients. Not a guy to talk to if you need to win a race.
But there’s a bit more. I don’t impute any personal impropriety to Murphy but his management of Right to Rise may top the list for the most foolish spending spree in PAC history. With the managerial competence Murphy demonstrated with Jeb, if say he’s a born Democrat.
Note to reporter: there are real stories of serious Republicans defecting to HRC, but this isn’t one of them.
“Mike Murphy is the Republican equivalent to Bob Shrum: both men were political “surgeons” who lost most of their patients. Not a guy to talk to if you need to win a race.”
Boogs nailed it. Not only does one have to question the competence of any candidate who hires this guy, one should question the competence of any media outlet that takes notice of him. Yet this is another example of the media being nothing more than democrats with by-lines.
Any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary, and they all know it!
But I would think it safe to say Mike Murphy supports the political platform of the U.S. Chamber of Crypto-Fascist, Crony Commerce, so this would be perfectly in line for him to turn his back on the Republican party when it no longer exclusively represented the Chamber’s corporate agenda.
Good riddance to him is all I can say. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
He makes it seem like he doesn’t want to vote for Clinton, no matter what she has done. He has Trump figured out because of things Trump has said.
This guy doesn’t seem smart enough to know what ‘neo-racist’ means.
He’s old enough that he knows voting for Hillary out of spite won’t really affect him, and he either doesn’t have or doesn’t care about his kids and grandkids.
Fool. Nasty sore-losing fool.
Oh, for crying out loud.
Trump is NOT a racist. He is a capitalist pig (TM).
Capitalist pigs specialize in making money. They look for talent, and when they find it, they pay for it, regardless of skin color, sex, religion, or any other irrelevant trivia. All they care about is whether an employee or contractor can deliver.
…except that Der Donald has a long and deep history of cheating his contractors, suppliers, and business associates.
Then he is an equal opportunity thug, thieving from whomever has what needs to stolen. But still a thug. Of course, so is Hilary, so once again a tie in the bamboozling department.
No argument from me. They have happily been swimming in the same cess pool of corruption for decades.
I use Bing. Some prefer other search engines.
No, he’s not a racist, but for some reason he finds it necessary to play footsie with neoNazis, so, naturally, some observers are confused.
You can start by googling Trump + neoNazi. And seriously, where did he get his America First slogan?
Did it.
Nothing came up but MSNBC. (Great source.)
I never new MSNBC made so much sense:
Etc., etc., etc
The Trump hatred of the elite is exposing the truth that many voters have suspected. To the elected class and the political professional class political positions matter less than power and wealth (their personal wealth). Being able to justify voting for someone just as progressive as Obama if not more so in some views speaks volumes. This group is just as hooked on centralised power and control. They just differ over where to push the trillions of dollars and who to punish with laws.
I guess you missed the part where the T-rump campaign endorsed ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL incumbents, including John McAnus.
As I told all of you over a year ago, he’s Mr. Establishment. He’s proven me correct over and over.
“He’s proven me correct over and over.”
LOL, all three of you deranged nevertrumpers believe that.
The rest of us, the sane, just laugh at the antics of the insane.
You’ve become entertainment. Everyone has a purpose.
LOL. Yeah. Paul Ryan and Trump are now joined at the hip. They agree on everything. Both are for open borders, for starters.
Trump haters are so desperate you are playing the progressive game of connecting unrelated dots to try and prove something.
LOL, you T-rump suckers (when did you become one??) are so desperate to excuse the reality of the Great God Cheeto, you’re willing to say really stupid things.
The incumbents ARE “the establishment”. The T-rump just ENDORSED them ALLLLLLLLLL, stupid. That’s not “connecting dots” even. It’s just reading the headlines. T-rump will continue proving me right.
And, if you don’t get your head out, you’ll continue apologizing for a thug who’s pwnd you.
I’m simply a realist. Never voted for Trump in my primary. But I know that right now there are two likely WH occupants. Neither perfect. But one clearly subscribes to all things abhorrent about our modern culture, and she supports groups who are actively using college campuses as their “laboratory.” So if you like what you see with authoritarian culture manipulation in the academe, and you have low regard for the First and Second Amendments, you will be thrilled with watching DC force even more of it on the culture at large. Enabled by an eventual SCOTUS that believes in the living Constitution, etc.
The other is a bombastic jerk who is also progressive. The only gamble with him will be whether he will truly stick to his anti-PC rhetoric and his most recent promises to stop the ballooning of regulations, etc. It’s a gamble. The other is a certainty.
But it is still entertaining to watch people who present themselves as “educated” and “wise” act like high school boys in their dealings with those who aren’t viscerally opposed to Trump.
Take a few seconds, read your last sentence, and then read up and down this thread and the one preceding it that touched on T-rump.
You’ll note, if you’ve retained any objectivity, that I don’t even post to people who “disagree with me” about supporting T-rump when they are simply T-rump voters (unless they’ve made a statement I feel needs refutation). They are simply wrong, in my book, but that’s not much of a vice.
You should note, if you retain any objectivity, that…like you implying I’m using “progressive” thinking…I am attacked by name, and I fight back.
That so elevates your argument, I cannot imagine why people are not convinced of their wrong thinking.
Progressive tactics are not unique to lefty-progressives. There is a growing, or maybe just now more apparent righty-progressive effort. The birth of the Tea Party helped highlight that the right and especially the GOP (now called the “elite”) are truly progressive. Progressive in the sense that they, too, see government as the tool to change culture the way they want it to be. Whether you are left or right, you can still use progressive tactics of assigning ill-will and demeaning those who disagree, using personal attacks, and more. The near obsessive hatred and name calling against Obama, for example, is pure right-progressive tactics to me. Obama is wrong. Doesn’t make all of the things people assign to him and what’s “in his heart.”
FWIW, I’m still one of those in the minority who think government should follow the people, not be one that empowers the elected class to force its will on the people. It’s not perfect. Sometimes the change takes longer than you want – e.g. civil rights. But when you use the force of government more often than not it doesn’t change. And that is a big reason why were are so divided now.
I like word-play (see Barracula, and Ol’ Walleyes, see also John McAnus). Sue me.
But I agree with much of what you later say. The fact that the Man From WrestleMania is a progressive (Collectivist) who LOVES BIG GOVERNMENT is my chief objection to him. He lies. That’s another.
I think casualobserver nailed it. Your comment:
“LOL, you T-rump suckers (when did you become one??) are so desperate to excuse the reality of the Great God Cheeto, you’re willing to say really stupid things.”
Proves a weak attempt at high school debate. Par for your discourse. You really do have a high opinion of yourself and it shows. Hypocrisy is synonyms with Rags.
I kinda agree with you here and see where you are coming from. I do think the government has to bring leadership and not just follow the people, unless “the people” is considered the majority. Is that not a Democracy? Federalist 10 talks about this. A pure democracy is flawed and the founders tried to address it with the electoral college. That said, if you believe in the founders belief in a democracy, then the GOP picked Trump and there is nothing wrong with that. Just like NTrumps can hold their tantrums all they want.
My problem is currently, government control is being used to advance the interest of the minority at a cost to the interests of the majority. This has played out with Obama care and is playing out in the GOP with stupid stuff that the Cruz camp has pulled (like Colorado) and convention rule changes. What bothers me most about the NTrump crowd is they are examples of the concept of forced controls when they are suppose to be against force government control. The reason I like what is happening is it is allowing true natural to show and how elites have hijacked the GOP for their interests. To me, they hijacked the Tea Party and the GOP. Like a crying baby with the candy being taken away, Trump has done the same and I am laughing at it. NTrump are bigger babies than many of the democrats I know.
“FWIW, I’m still one of those in the minority who think government should follow the people, not be one that empowers the elected class to force its will on the people. It’s not perfect. Sometimes the change takes longer than you want – e.g. civil rights. But when you use the force of government more often than not it doesn’t change. And that is a big reason why were are so divided now.”
Remember: Reagan was a democrat.
People change.
The anti-native policies of [class] diversity mongers are on trial and they are projecting fast and furious to coverup their crimes against the individual and society.
Interesting how not wanting to see Americans killed by ISIS terrorists hiding in a flood of refugees makes one a neo-racist.
If so, we need more neo-racists. Heck, the Leftists can call them PoodleSnortMcPoofies for all I care.
The decades-old mask has finally fallen from American national politics. The DNC lied, cheated, and stole to assure its establishment candidate became the nominee. The RNC, playing a cleaner game, took a chance and lost – the outsider became the nominee. What we’re seeing now in the desertions of so-called “Republicans” is the true state of American national politics – a battle by establishment “insiders” to maintain power and control, in part by keeping out “outsiders.” How else do you explain 50 “conservatives” signing a letter saying they don’t trust Trump at the head of the national security apparatus? And they trust Clinton – someone who has already demonstrated her untrustworthiness with such authority? Trump’s untrustworthiness is a matter of speculation and little-informed judgment (by what example do they predict his future failure as guardian of national security?), while they give the proven failure a pass. I can only look at this situation and come to one conclusion – this isn’t about Republican v. Democrat, and it hasn’t been for some time. It’s about keeping the establishment in power, no matter who it is and no matter how vile, corrupt, and demonstrably incompetent that insider is.
“It’s about keeping the establishment in power, no matter who it is and no matter how vile, corrupt, and demonstrably incompetent that insider is.”
It seems that so many have so much vested in maintaining the establishment power that anyone threatening it will be met with the most extreme resistance. It also makes me wonder that if there is any attempt at reforming the system, other than in a measured sort of way, it just might bring about a colossal crash.
I might consider this letter important if Baker had signed it, but it still would not change my opinion that Hillary is more dangerous.
“I won’t get my panties in a wedge because of what I am hearing from the political candidates,” said Baker
“No one asked me for my endorsement,” Rumsfeld said of his support for Trump. “I’m clearly going to vote for him. I just can’t imagine not.”
With Sessions and Rumsfeld endorsement, I am backing Trump.
It is interesting that most of the signers where the neo-con people that screwed up the great opportunity to get Iraq right (remember I consider myself a neo-con federalist) and it seems to come from the neo-con side of the party. Buckley lost his way in his old age and I think many of the Neo-cons did with Bush Jr. term in office.
“The New York Times points out that notably missing from the letter are former secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, George P. Shultz, James A. Baker III, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. Trump met with both Kissenger and Baker a few months ago.”
Dave, I agree with your statement and lament all that has befallen us. But when I think of Trump as our savior I go cold inside. Other than his rhetoric of the past year he has never displayed any sense of being an American first in his quest for wealth. I will not go into his unethical dealings with fellow business partners or contractors, but his is not an envious record of ethics. Trump has no, zero, nada ground game and that is going to kill him. Most Dems hate hillary but her ground game is so vast that just the fried chicken contingent alone will beat Trump. I will vote for the man only because the option of hillary is not even thinkable to me. But please, all of you Trump adorers stop with the making up of qualities he doesn’t have or has ever possessed. This election is the most depressing of my entire life. I am ashamed to have to vote for either one but have no other choice that will matter. We are going to see a lot more of these elite insiders declaring that they will not vote for Trump. We have to let it go because the more we rail about it the more attention they garner. Let’s try to be civil in this matter and realize that this site is not a proTrump site and then move on to other interesting subjects.
How’s this for wishful thinking, while still sober.
Hilary comes under attack for her “short circuiting”, and demands for information about her mystery handler. Why isn’t he on the ballot? So she drops out. Then the Trumpster says he knew she was soooooo crooked he had to run to keep her from being President. Since she is out of the race, he drops out as well, leaving Pence as the nominee. In a move for party unity, Lying Ted is made the VP nominee. Well, o.k., maybe not Ted, but somebody who really is conservative.
Sober. Cold stone sober. Now I need to do something about that. Remember you heard it here first.
You need to check into a mental health clinic. I doubt they will be able to help, but it’s worth a try.
You might even see edge of the sand box there,
is this the same guy who provided GWBs debate prep tapes to Al Gore? Why, yes it is. Why do we care what this guy thinks ? He is a whore.
I was looking for a reference to that with the liberal google, but instead found a long list of failures this guy backs. This guys is as wacky as Hillary. Go Mikey go! I like the ideal that you are backing Hillary.
I’m being 100% serious when I ask, “What the heck is a neo-racist?”
I have the same question. I suspect that it’s the nouveau left way of calling someone who is not a racist a racist, racist being the very most effective leftist way of saying “shut up.”
The reality is this idiot wasn’t ever ping to vote for anyone other than his candidate or anyone who ran against the candidate that trumped his guy.
When you see the pictures of the numbers of people attending Trumps rallies vs the tepid turn out to Clinton’s rallies then the noise you are hearing from the media about Clinton polling do much in front of Trump doesn’t add up.
I don’t believe this race is the one horse race for Clinton many have fooled themselves in to believing.
This despite the fact that the MSM is doing everything they can to shrink Trump crowds and enlarge Hillary crowds. Such as choice angles for shots, and phtoshopping images to make crowds larger.
At first I considered nothing of this guys statement but now it has me worried.
First This guy backed Jeb! . That tells me that he is a really strong judge of people and suggests to me that Trump is wanting.
Second This guy put millions on Jeb! to win. So obviously he knew that Jeb! would give Trump a run for his money. So he is a great predictor. So when he predicts a 10% chance that has me really scared.
Murphy says he can’t vote for Trump because “I love my country.”
But he’d vote for Hillary. Twisted love.
So, Mike Murphy, how does it feel to betray your country. All these turncoat so-called Republicans should be hanged.
I’m looking at your comment and I can’t shake the feeling that you must be impersonating a Trumpie. I mean, you can’t be for real.
I did not like John McCain very much. But I voted for him. I felt a little better about Mitt Romney, but I was not enthusiastic. I voted for him. If Jeb Bush had been the 2016 Republican nominee, despite my misgiving’s I would have voted form him.
But Mike Murphy, a Republican insider — is special. He gets to support the nominee of another party, without opprobrium or consequence.
You have to realize that his career within the confines of the Republican party is dead. Since he has no other “Talents” he must offer his special personality to the Demorats in hope of starting a new career as a loser in the Demorat party!
Traitorous people the whole lot of them.
Jeb Bush lost early and they lost big!
The voters sent them packing and now they
are doing all they can to damage the party’s
chance for the White House.
“Mike Murphy — who ran Jeb’s Super PAC — says that “if it came down to just my vote and I had to decide, I’d probably vote for Hillary and then jump in a lake out of massive depression.”
Talk about a “short circuit”? They complain about Trump not being a true republican but this Azz hole is going to vote for Crooked Hillary?
Exhibit “A” for the proposition that Trump haters are libtards in drag. Every one of them.
You’re EXHIBIT A for the proposition that all T-rump suckers are just Collectivists who pretended some conservative values, waiting for your man-crush to come along.
Well, no. Take away the cheap nationalism (which is NOT patriotism), and you have two very similar people. Very dangerous people if you love our republic.
Mike Murphy, GOP Strategist? It’s aholes like you that have the GOP in the current mess. I am certain that Trump is going to win and you can pack your suitcase and disappear from politics. Go somewhere that will appreciate your ‘wisdom’, like Venezuela.