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Conflict of Interest? Chelsea Will Remain on Clinton Foundation Board if Hillary Wins

Conflict of Interest? Chelsea Will Remain on Clinton Foundation Board if Hillary Wins

The Clinton Foundation has a dark cloud over them due to emails showing major donors asking then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for huge favors. They have tried to mend their ways by deciding to stop accepting foreign donations if Hillary wins the presidency, but they may have taken a big step back. Chelsea just decided to remain on the board even if her mom wins.

Conflict of interest much? Besides Bill, who else has better access to Hillary than Chelsea?

From The Wall Street Journal:

A spokeswoman for Chelsea Clinton said the former first daughter plans to remain on the board because she “is committed to ensuring that those benefiting from the foundation’s work will be able to continue receiving that often-life-changing help.”

However, the statement from the spokeswoman for Ms. Clinton left unclear whether she would continue to raise money for the foundation, which would be scaled back significantly if Hillary Clinton wins in November. It said Chelsea Clinton was remaining on the board to “steward the implementation of changes,” including “new fundraising policies.”

Former President Bill Clinton decided “to resign from the board and stop raising money for the foundation” to avoid a conflict of interest. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Hillary did the exact same thing before she became secretary of state, but emails show that people at the foundation and major donors did not receive that memo.

These emails from Hillary’s term as secretary of state show Clinton Foundation officials asking her aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin for favors from major donors. Foundation lawyer Douglas Band even asked them to find a job at the State Department for another foundation associate.

Then, on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported that “85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs.”

Ray Madoff, a Boston College Law School professor and director of the Forum on Philanthropy and the Public Good, spoke to the Journal:

“The Clinton Foundation has been way too inattentive to the appearance of impropriety,” Ms. Madoff said. “Chelsea clearly has access to her parents so the appearance of impropriety continues.”

She added, “If the Clintons didn’t have this ongoing problem, then it is a more difficult case. After all, Chelsea is a working adult and it makes sense that she would work on the Clinton Foundation.”

What will stop them from using Chelsea, who obviously has even better access to Hillary since, you know, she’s her daughter. Even if they promise not to take advantage of Hillary as president, why should we believe them? Evidence show us otherwise.


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legacyrepublican | August 24, 2016 at 8:52 pm

Yup, the Oval Office will be for sale to the highest bidder with Chelsea as the Maitresse D’

If anything, Chelsea has more access to Hillary than Bill, given all that’s gone on for oh, the last 35 years or so. Plus she controls grandchild access!

But even if she & Daddy stepped down completely, isn’t it much like bank robbers getting caught but expecting to keep the money if they promise not to rob any more banks?

– –

Of course, Trump’s own plan to turn over his businesses to his kids shows that “conflict of interest” and “blind trust” can be added to the long list of public policy issues of which Trump is completely clueless.

We have two miscreants representing our major parties, it is a disgrace. Neither is fit to hold ANY office of public trust, much less the highest of all.

    murkyv in reply to Estragon. | August 25, 2016 at 12:27 am

    Considering that Trump is living rent-free inside your head, I was wondering if he has to access his abode through your back pants pocket?

I love this! We haven’t had a Protestant Mafia since the era depicted by Scorcese in Gangs of New York.

The only question is whether Chelsea is Michael, Sonny or Fredo.

    DieJustAsHappy in reply to Boogs. | August 25, 2016 at 2:17 am

    Fredo. She doesn’t seem to be as resourceful and cunning as her godmother or her godfather.

      Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to DieJustAsHappy. | August 25, 2016 at 11:22 pm

      Maybe Chelsea could get her husband and in-laws to help with the day-to-day administration of the foundation.

      A spokeswoman for Chelsea Clinton said the former first daughter plans to remain on the board because she “is committed to ensuring that those benefiting from the foundation’s work will be able to continue receiving that often-life-changing help.”n.

      Am I the only one her reading “those benefitting from the foundation” as “employees and staff,” not any third-world indigents?

Perhaps Trump should turn his family business into a Foundation?

That doesn’t mend their ways, all it does is accelerate donations into the present. Besides, the donation moratorium is totally unverifiable.

I don’ have anything of substance to add to the post, just want to say that I really admire the lead picture choice. Eerie, entirely out of focus photograph of Chelsia looking away and up with her phony smile. Fabulous choice, editor.

Chelsea should be prosecuted as well. Her signature is on a lot of Foundation documents.

Chelsea is guilty of all of the felonies that were committed through this Foundation just like her parents are.

DieJustAsHappy | August 25, 2016 at 2:07 am

“The Clinton Foundation has been way too inattentive to the appearance of impropriety,” Ms. Madoff said. “Chelsea clearly has access to her parents so the appearance of impropriety continues.”

Now that’s funny. Since when have the Clintons ever been concerned about impropriety. It has been, is and will be business as usual for them.

There’s no conflict of interest. The Clinton Foundation is the Clinton crime family’s slush fund, designed to funnel money from the US treasury to the Clintons. Not quite directly, but through slightly—only slightly—byzantine channels, to provide the flimsiest veneer of not-very-plausible deniability. And by this time just about everybody on the planet knows it (even if some won’t quite admit it). She is, as her apologists claim, prepared to ensure that the beneficiaries of the Foundation’s largesse—i.e., the Clintons themselves—continue to roll in mountains of illicit loot. It’s criminal, but it’s not a conflict of interest. The interest of the Clintons is … the Clintons, and nothing else.

If Clinton wins the election after what she’s gotten away with – there will be no limits to her corruption and fascistic tendency.

She will push it to a civil war.

Can some one please tell me what the foundation actually does? Also what was it set up to do?

“The Clinton Foundation has been way too inattentive to the appearance of impropriety,” Ms. Madoff said. “Chelsea clearly has access to her parents so the appearance of impropriety continues.”

It’s all about the APPEARANCE, not the impropriety itself.

buckeyeminuteman | August 25, 2016 at 3:08 pm

How embarrassing it must be to be the child of Bill and Hillary. I’m pretty sure I would move to some Antarctic island and change my name.

[S]he “is committed to ensuring that those benefiting from the foundation’s work will be able to continue receiving that often-life-changing help.”

Those benefiting from the foundation’s work include her parents. Big time. Chelsea will ensure that this continues.

Hillary believes that a conflict of interest is when one Swiss bank pays 1.2% on deposits when another pays 1.3%

Well, we all know chelsea can’t find it within herself to care about money while living in a $10 million N.Y. apartment with a money grubbing bankster, but when it comes to staying in the best hotels, eating at the most exclusive and expensive restaurants and flying in private jets on “Foundation” money I’d guess that would be another question altogether.

And of course all the Trump kids need to get out of the international Trump enterprises as well!

Chelsea has no skills. She needs the job and graft from her family name : Hubbell….er…Clinton

cjharrispretzer | August 26, 2016 at 1:48 pm

Whatever happened to “blind trusts”?