As we reported yesterday, in her Fox News Sunday appearance, Hillary Clinton blamed “professionals” on whom she was “entitled to rely” who “made the wrong call” by sending her classified material.
Appearing today on Morning Joe, Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook continued to blame others, whining that the emails containing classified materials came from “long-time tenured State Department professionals.” But as Scarborough and others on the panel pointed out, Hillary forced others into sending her classified information in an improper way because she only maintained email on her private server.
Kudos to Scarborough for pressing Mook on the matter. But boos for failing to raise another outrage from Hillary’s Fox News appearance. Clinton condescendingly said that she doesn’t “hold any ill feeling” toward the Benghazi families who say she told them a video was responsible for their loved-ones deaths. Morning Joe spent much of its first hour today blasting Donald Trump for criticizing the Gold Star Khan family. Why didn’t they ask Mook about Hillary questioning the veracity of the Gold Star Benghazi families?
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Robby, thanks so much for being with us. No, we’re not going to throw you a softball. How could Hillary Clinton say that she did not send or receive classified e-mails? She said that yesterday on Fox News. It was a shocking, jaw-dropping moment.ROBBY MOOK: Well first of all, Director Comey–well, actually, let me just say first of all, she said that this was a mistake and she apologized and said she would do it differently if she could go back.JOE: So let me ask you this, could you not go to her before that interview and say to her, Madame Secretary, just say it was a mistake and don’t say anything that you said in the US press conference and let’s move along?MOOK: Well, she has said repeatedly –JOE: No, I’m asking could you do that? Would you be fired if you did that?MOOK: No, she would encourage me to tell her to tell the truth.JOE: You might want to tell her that. You might want to tell her that next time.MOOK: But she said this is a mistake multiple times and she apologized for it. What Director Comey said was there was that he believes ther was no basis for her to believe that the emails in question that you’re referring to, that she had any reason to believe that they were classified.JOE: I think he said just the opposite. He said a reasonable person in her position should have known they were classified even if they weren’t marked.MOOK: Well, but that’s leaving out the fact that these emails were coming from hundreds of State Department employees. These were long-time, tenured State Department professionals,worked for different administrations. These folks are not partisan. They were the ones sending her the emails. She, in his mind, she had no reason to believe they were classified.ELISE JORDAN: But weren’t they forced in that position though? Because they had no other outlet to communicate with her. so you can’t really put blame on State Department professionals if the leader of the organization is saying email us at this address. This is all, this is the only option you have.MOOK: Look, classified information is sent over a completely separate system. So it was their decision to send it –JORDAN: I know that–I worked at the State Department too.MOOK: Well there you go.JOE: But that makes it even worse though. She was forcing everybody that wanted to communicate with her to move out of the classified realm where you send classified information and then put it on their own servers and then send it to her. So isn’t that even worse?MOOK: Well, you’d understand this. You simply just don’t send classifiedJOE: Well, you would understand this. The FBI director said she did.MOOK: Said . . . said she did what?JOE: Sent classified information over an unsecured email server.MOOK: What the Director of the FBI testified was that he did not see a basis to believe that she knew the information in question was classiied when she received it. That’s what he says. But Joe –JOE: Mark, was I watching an alternate hearing? Because it seems to me he said just the opposite, that a reasonable person would have known.