U.K.’s Bold, New Leader Shuts Climate Change Dept.

LI #71c Theresa May

One of the new pieces of good news coming from Europe last week was from Great Britain.

In the wake of the #Brexit vote, U.K.’s new Prime Minister felt empowered to shut an entire government department.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has been facing criticism during her first few days in office over her decision to close the U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change.The closure was reported on Thursday, May’s first full day in office after the departure of David Cameron.

The unit will actually be folded into an expanded Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy under Greg Clark.

It comes at a time when campaigners are urging the government to ratify the Paris climate change deal.In his statement, Mr Clark appeared keen to calm concerns about the priority given to tackling global warming.He said: “I am thrilled to have been appointed to lead this new department charged with delivering a comprehensive industrial strategy, leading Government’s relationship with business, furthering our world-class science base, delivering affordable, clean energy and tackling climate change.”

Of course, the usual suspects are complaining.

…Ed Davey, who served as Liberal Democrat secretary of state at Decc between 2012 and 2015, criticised the decision.“This is a major setback for the UK’s climate change efforts. Greg Clark may be nice and he may even be green, but by downgrading the Whitehall status of climate change, Theresa May has hit low carbon investor confidence yet again,” he told the Guardian.His view was echoed by Ed Miliband, the department’s first secretary of state when it was created in 2008 by Labour, who tweeted that the move was: “Plain stupid. Climate not even mentioned in new dept title. Matters because depts shape priorities, shape outcomes.”

The eco-activist angst on Twitter may actually be responsible for raising global temperatures…given how much it warms my cold, skeptical heart.

Harry Leslie Smith may want to have a chat with Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, who considers climate change rules an opportunity to divert “$7 trillion” British dollars through regulations.

A lot of American liberals are feeling the same way across the pond.

Bill McKibben can console himself that several Earth-like planets may be among the 100-plus newly confirmed exo-planets.

One of the more unkind tweets basically accuses her of acting like President Obama:

After nearly 8 years of his presidency, surely the sea levels have returned to normal!

In the wake of this aggressive move, many Americans are rethinking their election plans a a result!

I would settle for a few department closures instead.

(Featured Image via Twitter).

Tags: BREXIT, Climate Change