Keith Ellison | George Wallace | Donald Trump
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Rep. Keith Ellison: Trump ‘Worst Republican Nominee Since George Wallace’

Rep. Keith Ellison: Trump ‘Worst Republican Nominee Since George Wallace’

Small Problem: Wallace Was a Democrat . . . Ruh-roh!

On the off chance that far-left Dem congressman Keith Ellison is on your holiday shopping list, we have the perfect gift suggestion: a good biography of George Wallace.  On today’s This Week, Ellison claimed that Donald Trump was “the worst Republican nominee since George Wallace.”

Just one small problem, of course. As Republican Rep. Tom Cole pointed out, Wallace was a Democrat who sought the Dem presidential nomination [multiple times] and even addressed the Democratic National Convention [in 1972.] Ruh-roh!

Host George Stephanopoulos asked Ellison, a Bernie Sanders supporter, what should happen in light of the revelations from leaked DNC emails that the party was trying to make life tough for Bernie during the primary season. Ellison tried to change the subject by saying the focus should be on “getting rid of Trump.” He went on to make his ill-advised claim about Wallace the “Republican.”

Note: More Embarrassing DNC Email Leaks to Come

Just before Ellison spoke, Dem insider Donna Brazile said something very interesting: “this is not just a one-day leak. There will be a substantial number of emails that I understand will be leaked over the next couple of days, weeks, months.” Should make for an interesting convention and campaign, as an Imelda Marcos-like load of shoes continues to drop!

Note Dos: it’s worth watching the video just to see Ellison’s abashed expression as Cole politely corrects him.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Keith Ellison, you supported Bernie Sanders. What should happen?

KEITH ELLISON: Well I’m with Bernie on this. I mean, we’re focused on getting rid of Donald Trump. Making sure he is not the President of the United States. I agree with Bernie. I’m disappointed to read about it. But at the same time, we do have the worst Republican nominee since George Wallace. We have somebody who is so dangerous, in a number of ways, not the least of which is his attacks on the press, and his pulling press credentials. The First Amendment says freedom of the press. He attacks the press regularly. So I’m really kind of focused on the job at hand. But I am disappointed. But I’m not surprised. But, at the same time, you know, I just have to keep trudging on. Organize the people to turn out the maximum number of votes to defeat Donald Trump.

GEORGE: Congressman Cole, you just came from Cleveland, the Republican convention? Was it a success?

TOM COLE: Well first, I want to correct my friend. George Wallace was a proud Democrat and ran for the Democratic nomination. Was on that stage down there.

ELLISON: Thank God he got rejected.

COLE: That’s fine, but let’s be clear on the record as to whose party he belonged to.


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Understandable mistake. Would be easy to confuse the two.

    quegley in reply to Same Same. | July 24, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    “Would be easy to confuse the two.” -> Only if you are a low information boob. George Wallas ‘was a U.S. Presidential candidate for four consecutive elections, in which he sought the Democratic Party nomination in 1964, 1972, and 1976’ – straight from wikipedia.

    Did I say he was one of the longest serving racist governors to serve. Probably kept a lot of the black folks down.

      Milhouse in reply to quegley. | July 25, 2016 at 6:58 am

      Whoosh. Went right past you, didn’t it? Even the commenter’s name ,”same same”, didn’t register. Same Same’s point is that it is an easy mistake to make, because it’s hard to tell Republicans and Democrats apart without a magnifying glass.

        “…because it’s hard to tell Republicans and Democrats apart without a magnifying glass.”

        Ain’t that the truth, and pretty much what I have been saying for years. One of the reasons that I refer to the Democrats and Republicans not as different political parties, but as wings of The Party.

        Morris68 in reply to Milhouse. | July 26, 2016 at 12:15 pm

        You might have a very different, if less nuanced, viewpoint had you been a recently freed slave.

When current Democrats think past Democrats are too right-wing, it just goes to show how far-far-far left the Democrat party has become.

JoeThePimpernel | July 24, 2016 at 1:14 pm

These simple-minded useful idiots can’t comprehend the fact that their hating Trump is the best endorsement Trump could get.

Behold the power of a fully operational Collectivist narrative!

One of the great evils of the Collective is that it dupes its own members, as George Orwell knew it would, and implants totally false “history” in place of reality.

The only way to combat this…and our daily duty…is to simply tell the truth. Effectively, as loudly as we can, and without stint.

Fun to see the reaction when I tell a Lefty that the current administration is the most race-obsessed since George Wallace left office.

Only reason George wasn’t the 72 dem candidate was the assassination attempt.

To call Ellison a blithering idiot is a slam on blithering idiots!

Not only wasn’t Wallace a Republican, he was never even the Democrat’s nominee!

How wrong can you be when trying to smear the other party?

And Lincoln was a democrat, the KKK is republican…

    n.n in reply to Barry. | July 24, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    … and babies are delivered by stork at the convenience and pleasure of the mother. There are a lot of fantasies that thread the Democrats’ ball of yarns.

COLE: That’s fine, but let’s be clear on the record as to whose party he belonged to.

Doesn’t matter. They’ll just rewrite the record to cover their mistakes.

All of you who are talking stuff about Keith Ellison? You’re just a bunch of anti-Semites/

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Demonized. | July 24, 2016 at 9:22 pm

    That’s right! Keith Ellison is one of those blacks who is clean, articulate, dresses well… Oh, wait. That’s the other muslim.

Common Sense | July 24, 2016 at 4:18 pm

Oh my gosh…. A full blown idiot. Rant about Wallace and he is a racist democrat.

Stupid on display for the world to see. 🙂

“Wallace Was a Democrat” a distinction without a difference to what’s being offered by the RNC.

Another ‘Look over there at the squirrels and ignore the RNC Elephant in the room’ post.

    I have been wondering. Of what value is Democrat bashing? Does it make America Great Again? It seems petty and trite, especially when nothing substantive is offered to replace the deficit.

    One upmanship, though highly used, is of no value or worth in a morally relative universe. Is that what is desired? Conservativism doesn’t exist in a man-made valueless universe that is now being posited here and elsewhere.

    That type of universe appears to be indicated by the choice of Trump.

      Jennifer, if one is ignorant of the facts, one should not open one’s mouth.

      George Wallace was a Democrat from Alabama, that was a segregationist. He is every much a part of the Democrat’s political history as Abraham Lincoln is of the Republicans.

        I have been wondering – AGAIN. Of what value is Democrat bashing? Does it make America Great Again? It seems petty and trite, especially when nothing substantive is offered to replace the deficit.

        One upmanship, though highly used, is of no value or worth in a morally relative universe. Is that what is desired? Conservativism doesn’t exist in a man-made valueless universe that is now being posited here and elsewhere.

        That type of universe appears to be indicated by the choice of Trump.

        (If one is ignorant of what I said, one should not respond. Dare I say that your response is typical of many Trumpians who hear only what they want to hear?

        I know that the Democrat party has been the “racist” party but that is not what I am talking about here, is it?)

    Common Sense in reply to jennifer a johnson. | July 24, 2016 at 7:58 pm

    Poor thing you remind me of Ellison… Clueless

    🙂 🙂 🙂

George Wallace and Bull Conner were Jim Crow in spades. They are very poster boys of the rAAAAAcism of the Democrat controlled South.

Notice that Stephanopoulos , the biased Clinton operative, was trying to sneak the idiot Ellison’s lie through and change the subject. Any lie will do for these Trump/Republican haters.

    “Stephanopoulos , the biased Clinton operative…”

    Just to clarify: Stephanopoulos is simply a Clinton operative. To call him ‘biased’ belittles the fact of his corruption.

Sorry folks but for dumbassery I think hank ( Guam tip over ) Johnston still wins … Hands down

And then Representative KEITH ELLISON said: “I don’t know nuthin’ about no American History, much less politics!”

holdingmynose | July 25, 2016 at 6:18 am

Ellison is relying on the fact that so many people are ignorant of history. Not only was Wallace a Democrat but so were almost all of the most notorious bigots opposing the civil rights movement in the 60’s and 70’s.

The most amusing part of the Wallace political career is that he won the Michigan primary.

justalady21 | July 25, 2016 at 2:52 pm

Don’t you just love that we have politicians who know their history? There is no excuse for a 53-year-old man who was educated in the U.S. (Catholic education), has a law degree, and who began his political career 13 years ago to not only know believe Wallace was a Republican, but to also think Wallace was a nominee. Shameful. He may not like Donald Trump personally, but Ellison has to be aware that Trump is a hell of a lot smarter than he is.

    justalady21 in reply to justalady21. | July 25, 2016 at 2:55 pm

    CORRECTION: Don’t you just love that we have politicians who know their history? There is no excuse for a 53-year-old man who was educated in the U.S. (Catholic education), has a law degree, and who began his political career 13 years ago not to know that Wallace was a Democrat or to think Wallace was a nominee. Shameful. He may not like Donald Trump personally, but Ellison has to be aware that Trump is a hell of a lot smarter than he is.

Callipygian1 | July 26, 2016 at 12:55 pm

“Keith Ellison has a brain so big he might tip over!” said Hank Johnson.