Politicians Demand Merkel Deport 200,000 Migrants

Due to recent terrorist attacks, German politicians have now asked Chancellor Angela Merkel to deport over 200,000 migrants who failed to gain asylum. Homeland expert Armin Schuster said:

In his appeal for a speeding up of deportations, Mr Schuster said: “Some could get the impression they could get away with anything because they don’t realise how mildly the state reacts to those breaking the law.”Burkhard Luschka, domestic policy spokesman for the Social Democratic Party parliamentary group, agreed with him: “We have to be better at enforcement. Asylum seekers or refugees who are rejected have to leave Germany.”

Schuster also said all the refugees have overworked those in the Federal Office or Migration and Refugees, which may have caused many mistakes:

In his appeal for a speeding up of deportations, Schuster warned that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees was overworked and expressed doubts over whether the bureau could check the accuracy of refugees’ countries of origin. As a result, many false or incomplete cases – where the claimant has no identity papers – may be allowing migrants to stay in the country when they don’t deserve to.”Some could get the impression they could get away with anything, because they don’t realize how mildly the state reacts to those breaking the law,” Schuster told the two papers.The domestic policy spokesman for the Social Democrats’ (SPD) parliamentary group, Burkhard Luschka, agreed that “we have to be better at enforcement” and that “asylum seekers or refugees who are rejected have to leave Germany.”

A Syrian refugee, who did not receive asylum, blew himself up outside of a music festival in Ansbach where he lived at an asylum shelter, injuring 12 people. The government let him stay in the country “because of the situation in Syria.” German Interior Minister Thomas de Maisière also said they suspended his release due to his “psychological instability.”

The 27-year-old also remained on Germany’s watch list due to past crimes. Authorities confirmed he wanted to target the music festival, but security did not let him in. He went to a nearby bar and detonated the bomb.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said the authorities found the bomb “included metal items typically used in ‘wood manufacturing’ and that they had the power to kill more people than were injured.” They also searched his apartment and phone:

The bomber, a 27-year-old Syrian man who was supposed to be deported, had bomb-making materials in his apartment, Mr. Herrmann said. Those materials included fuel, hydrochloric acid, alcohol-based cleaner, soldering irons, wires, and pebbles.On his phone, authorities found an Arabic-language video in which the bomber threatens an attack against Germans “in the name of Allah” and pledges allegiance to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Mr. Herrmann said.“He then warns explicitly of an act of revenge against the Germans because they are obstructing Islam,” Mr. Herrmann said. “According to this video, it is beyond doubt that this attack was a terrorist attack with a perpetrator who had Islamist convictions.”

Unfortunately, the government has considered tightening their gun laws and pushing the army into a bigger role for the German Army.

Tags: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Angela Merkel, Germany, Islamic State, Terrorism