Piers Morgan: “Insane ‘open door’ policy has to stop”
“Obama…needs to take his demob-happy smirk off his face and get serious.”

Few liberals are as iconic as the pugnacious progressive pundit Piers Morgan.
The British journalist and television personality, once host of CNN’s Piers Morgan Live, is currently working as the US Editor-at-Large for Mail Online. In that capacity, he has published an op-ed in response to the beheading of Father Jacques Hamel at the hands of Islamic terrorists that occurred during a Mass in a Normandy church.
Has there ever been a more snivelling bunch of cowards than ISIS? My new column. https://t.co/DB5LQAmeqQ
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) July 26, 2016
Has there ever been a more snivelling bunch of cowards than ISIS and its pathetic horde of crazed disciples?
These gutless goons delight in mowing down kids in trucks, throwing gay people off roofs, stoning women to death and setting fire to men in cages.
They love easy, soft targets: nightclubs, bars, cafes, sports arenas, concert halls, trains. Places where large numbers of innocent people congregate and can thus be slaughtered at will.
Morgan refers to the the Islamic terror horde as the “Caliphate of Cowardice”. What is most shocking is the solution he proposes, which refers positively to Donald Trump’s immigration policy platform.
…[Trump’s] latest revised call for strong new regulations and restrictions on anyone trying to enter the U.S. from a country ravaged by terror is surely just common sense?
‘We need to know who’s coming in!’ he bellows.
He’s absolutely right, isn’t he?
Rather than idiotically condemn Trump as the ‘new Hitler’, I strongly suggest other countries follow his lead and also look to massively tighten up their immigration policies before it’s too late.
Let’s know exactly who is coming into which country, and let’s stop hiding behind political correctness to do it.
And let’s start properly educating those who we do let in about why a Western society can offer them so much more than life as a pathetic, spineless priest-woman-and-child killing wannabe terrorist.
Then show them we mean it with demonstrable social integration policies, jobs and a brighter future.
My favorite line of this wonderful piece: President Obama, as leader of the world’s No1 military superpower, needs to take his demob-happy smirk off his face and get serious.
As that isn’t going to happen, Morgan better hope Europe’s leaders make other plans for their immediate security needs.
Morgan has been on a roll, too.
How can we trust Hillary & her devious DNC disciples if they stab a good man like Bernie in the back?
My new column:https://t.co/f8hYP8m1rg— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) July 25, 2016
….As Trump moves ahead of Hillary in the polls for the first time, enjoying the traditional post-convention bounce, I am smelling a similar dramatic upset at the general election in November and if my nostrils are correct, then Hillary will have only herself to blame.
The shocking sense of entitlement that pervades from every pore of this Democrat nominee and her supporters is almost overwhelming.
Nowhere has this been more lamentably confirmed than in the sudden avalanche of 20,000 emails revealed by Wikileaks late last week, which laid bare a distinctly unpleasant Clinton-ite underbelly to the Democrats.
I must say, Morgan now makes more sense that many of the conservative opinion-makers I have trusted these many years.
While preparing this post, I came across an interview that Morgan did with Trump. I thought some here might enjoy viewing it, to compare the take the interviewer had in March versus the one he has in July.
There is also about four months between now and our election. If Trump can persuade someone like Morgan about the strength of his immigration approach, he can persuade others as well.
This November, Trump’s margin of victory over Clinton could be….YUGE!
(Featured image via Facebook).

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So Morgan luuuuuuves T-rump as much as he loves Bernie.
I’m really impressed.
Poor Leslie. Deemocrat cultist for T-rump. Whodaguessit…???
Glad you enjoyed the post so much!

Yeah, you read me as well as you do T-rump, poor cultist Deemocrat. :-0
I strongly suggest taking a break until January. You already know all you need to know about everything and everyone.
Anti-native policies in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, etc. Anti-native policies in Germany, France, Norway, America, etc. At least Obama, Clinton et al are consistent.
And to think, this all started with Obama’s removal of honest brokers from Iraq. Visiting social “justice” on Gaddafi through a sodomy session and abortion rite probably did not improve our security or mutual trust. The irony is that the people targeted for abortion actually helped our people even as we abandoned them.
“These gutless goons delight in mowing down kids in trucks, throwing gay people off roofs, stoning women to death and setting fire to men in cages.
They love easy, soft targets: nightclubs, bars, cafes, sports arenas, concert halls, trains. Places where large numbers of innocent people congregate and can thus be slaughtered at will.”
Welcome to the anti-Gun Control argument Piers. Not that I think he’ll notice that’s what he’s saying.
Don’t forget all gun-free zones!
Wait, isn’t this analogous to the old “I always lie” joke? For Piers to use the worn out Liberal Progressive “common sense” trope when referring to something that IS common sense… My head hurts.
When you’ve lost liberal pantywaist Piers Morgan…
Morgan gets it completely wrong: obama has been deadly serious in executing his plan to destroy our once-great country.
Yup. A stopped clock IS right twice a day.
Libs come around to rational thinking once everything else they have tried failed and they have no other option left. Would have saved lots of time and lives to do the right thing the first time.
Donald Trump did name Piers as the winner of the Celebrity Apprentice….
A win would probably be really good for Piers’ profile and career (which was doing poorly in England).
A broken clock is right twice a day, so Piers gets one right occasionally. I still don’t care what he has to say about anything. Despite being right twice a day, consulting broken clocks isn’t a very reliable strategy.
Not that anybody watches his show or cares about what he writes, but I’m glad to see he makes some sense. Maybe more lefties will start paying attention to the reality that is actively punching them in the face.
ISIS caught delivering AIR CONDITIONERS!
Kerry vows, NOW we must ACT!
Wowzers – a rare moment when Piers and I agree.
Surely the planets will move on and this will not happen for another thousand years.
Never imagined I’d hear Morgan take a sane position on any issue.
The problem is, Liberals HATE Western Civilization in general and the freedoms we enjoy in the US in particular. They recognize Islam as a natural ally and will do everything in their power to bring as many Muslims here as possible. All the while denying that Islam has anything to do with Muslim Terror attacks.
“I must say, Morgan now makes more sense that many of the conservative opinion-makers I have trusted these many years.”
It’s called survival! Even left wing loonies want to live. The Demorat elite seems to think that any immigrant, no matter how evil, is a Demorat vote. That basically is all they care about. Look at her pandering to the blacks. hillary know that for her to win they have to turn out in large numbers for her. White men are lost to her for good.