Open Thread: Democrats in Turmoil, Convention Chaos

As promised:

We’ll be updating throughout the day as chaos warrants.

Debbie Wasserman Shultz resigns in disgrace, is booed off stage, jumps aboard Hillary’s ship:

If you thought we were above enjoying moments like this one, you were wrong. Former Democratic National Convention Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz was booed off the stage at a Florida delegation breakfast this morning:

How bad was it? This bad:

If you’re just catching up to the drama, DWS announced plans to resign from her post as chairwoman of the DNC Sunday after Wikileaks published more than 20,000 emails showing the DNC’s clear preference for Hillary as a candidate. She will oversee the DNC before hanging up her hat. Some of the leaked emails insinuate the DNC was trading donations for federal appointments. DWS’s next endeavor? Surrogate for Hillary’s campaign of course.

DWS won’t open today’s convention:

“Lock her up!” chant…Bernie Sanders supporters?

In a pre-convention protest Sunday, Sanders supporters chanted, “lock her up,” while brandishing “Hillary for Prison” signs:

It’s not just Republicans that want presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in prison.At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, chants of “lock her up,” “Hillary for Prison” signs and t-shirts and calls for indictment were common among the most ardent supporters of Mr. Sanders, who arrived in Philadelphia to make their voices heard to the delegates attending the Democratic National Convention.Republicans used last week’s Republican National Convention to make the case that Mrs. Clinton’s perceived ethical lapses made her unfit for office. Delegates to the Republican convention could be heard chanting “Lock her up!” while “Hillary for Prison” shirts and bumper stickers have proliferated across the country.Mrs. Clinton hasn’t been accused of any criminal wrongdoing — in fact, Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey explicitly said that her use of a private email server for government work did not rise to the level that would justify criminal charges. However, Mr. Comey called her “extremely careless” in her handling of the nation’s secrets by running her work email off a private server, while a State Department probe concluded that she was in violation of Department rules.But at the pro-Sanders rally, attendees were more than eager to list the reasons that Mrs. Clinton deserved to be incarcerated. At least once during a four-mile march from City Hall to Roosevelt Park, rallygoers began loudly chanting “Lock her up!” — the same chant heard on the floor of the RNC.

Sanders supporters list of Hillary grievances includes pant suits:

The Great Boo-ening claims another victim — Nancy Pelosi:

Bernie Sanders supporters seem to have no interest in falling in line with the whole party unity thing. Not only did they boo Debbie Wasserman Shultz off stage, they booed Nancy Pelosi.

The disgruntled delegates started interrupting and booing individuals who were slotted to speak at the event the day the Democratic National Convention is set to start.“Members of the delegation repeatedly disrupted the lineup of speakers, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, with protestations against Clinton and cheers for her erstwhile primary rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders,” Roll Call reported.Pelosi tried to send a message of unity to the audience despite the boos, which continued as other speakers came to the podium.“But whenever a speaker talked about uniting to elect Clinton in November, the crowd balked. They booed Rep. Michael M. Honda. And chanted, “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie!” during Rep. Barbara Lee’s address,” Roll Call noted.

Bernie says Hillary/Kaine must be elected, crowd boos:

CYA aka DNC:

Donate your spare beans to the fart-in cause. For the children…or something:

DNC apologizes to Sanders for all the mean things they said in hacked emails:

I’m so old, I remember when Randy Quaid was not insane:

And then InfoWars showed up:

ALL the train-stopping protests!:

I see the whole party unity thing is going swell:

You will be made to cheer:

Live footage of the DNC:

[Featured image from this tweet]

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, DNC, James Comey, Wasserman Schultz