MOVIE REVIEW: Clinton Cash is a Must-See Film

I watched the new documentary film “Clinton Cash” based on the book by Peter Schweizer this week and all I can say is the Clintons’ corruption is worse than most people know.

As a full time blogger, I watch cable news and monitor political news all day every day and even I didn’t know the extent of the Clintons’ influence and the way they’ve used it to enrich themselves and others. I think most members of the general public would be horrified by what’s presented in this film.

In just over an hour, the film takes you on a world tour of Hillary and Bill’s influence peddling.

Starting in Africa, the film explains the Clintons’ ties to corrupt political leaders who sell out their people for mineral rights. Then to Haiti, where the Clintons were supposed to oversee recontruction after the 2010 earthquake and used the opportunity to enrich friends and partners. From there, we go to Colombia where Clinton associates were granted timber harvesting rights in a rain forest. Then it’s off to India for a questionable nuclear deal. We then visit Russia which, thanks to the Clintons, now controls a major portion of Uranium production in the United States.

My description barely scratches the surface. Every questionable deal highlighted in the film is preceded or succeeded by a donation to the Clinton Foundation or a highly paid speech by Bill Clinton and most of this happened while Hillary Clinton was serving as the Secretary of State. Additionally, the business is being done with people from countries with abysmal records on human rights and treatment of the environment, suggesting that for all her talk about progressive values, Hillary Clinton has no problem looking the other way for a price.

At the heart of the film is the suggestion by Schweizer that the Clintons have taken pay-for-play political cronyism to a global scale and made a fortune doing so.

It’s a little over 60 minutes and at the time of this writing it’s available to watch for free:

Most members of the public are blissfully unaware of the astounding claims made in this film. They would be horrified if they knew half of what’s presented here. Especially her liberal supporters who believe Hillary stands for women, children and the environment.

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Tags: Bill Clinton, Corruption, Film Review, Haiti, Hillary Clinton