Jon Stewart Reappears, Commandeers Late Show News Desk
Even a broken clock is right twice a day

A gaunt and scruffy Jon Stewart took over Colbert’s Late Show Desk Thursday night. The retired Daily Show host compared Fox News host criticism of President Obama to some of those by Donald Trump.
Those not thrilled with Trump leading the GOP ticket have complained he’s far too much like the current president for their liking aaaaannnnd Stewart’s mashup makes that argument hard to refute.
The whole sketch reminds me of a post written by Republican strategist, Rick Wilson, some months ago aptly titled, “You Hate It From Barack Obama. But You Love It From Donald Trump.“:
I’ve come to realize that the Obama Cult and the Trump Cult are two sides of the same personality-cult coin. The cognitive dissonance between what the Trump faction hated about Obama and what they love about Donald is so far beyond ironic it would take a team of trained linguists and semioticians decades to decode.
But I’ll try.
You hated Barack Obama’s cult-like followers, with their mindless stares of adoration, their impervious barrier between emotion and reason, and their instant fury when confronted with the facts about his record, his history, or his philosophy.
But you love it from Trump.
You hated Obama’s shallow, facile rhetoric, with its hollow promises and loose, lowest-common-denominator word-vomit disconnected from any real policy.
But you love it from Trump.
You hated how Obama was gleefully lying to credulous low information voters, filling them with empty promises of economic prosperity that would never come, based on plans that could never be achieved.
But you love it from Trump.
You hated how Obama lied about his positions on single-payer healthcare, gay marriage, gun control, and abortion to get elected, knowing that if he ever revealed the truth about what he believed that he’d be unelectable.
But you love it from Trump.
You hated how Obama rode the wave of constant attention from the mainstream media into office, and how they played along with his game, draining the life out of every other candidate by describing him as an inevitable juggernaut, an unstoppable political force, and a game-changer who was tapping into something deep and powerful in American political life.
But you love it from Trump.
It’s one thing for such criticism to echo within the bubble, but quite another for the seemingly obvious comparisons to be picked up by liberal counterparts.
“Here’s where we are — either Lump and his friend [Sean Hannity and Donald Trump] are lying about being bothered by thin-skinned, authoritarian less than Christian readers of prompter being president, or they don’t care as long as their thin-skinned prompter authoritarian tyrant narcissist. You just want that person to give you your country back, because you feel that you are this country’s rightful owners. There’s only one problem with that — this country isn’t yours,” Stewart concluded.
It’s a bit reductionist, but the heart of Stewart’s (and Wilson’s) point is worth exploring — why are so many deplorable characteristics acceptable because of an ‘R’?
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I guess, I missed the part where the Media said any of this, about Donald Trump. Please cite those occurrences.
“You hated how Obama rode the wave of constant attention from the mainstream media into office, and how they played along with his game, draining the life out of every other candidate by describing him as an inevitable juggernaut, an unstoppable political force, and a game-changer who was tapping into something deep and powerful in American political life.”
Ummmm… perhaps you slept through the first 3 to 4 months of the campaign?
Just by way of example, here’s one from the New York Slimes from September 29, 2015.
“…why are so many deplorable characteristics acceptable because of an ‘R’?”
“Oh good, Old Watson, how would we fill the time if you didn’t ask questions?”
Unless, you mean the lying, racist and misogynistic Media portrayals of Trump. Those were equally un-grounded in Reality.
Be fair. A lot of Trump’s statements HAVE come back to haunt him.
All of the above talking points can be reversed and describe Stewart himself. You love it from Obama and hate it from Trump. I get a warm and fuzzy being lectured by liberals.
Very true. Neo-Liberals (Statists) and Progressives are MASTERS of hypocrisy. And we as Conservatives have been calling them out on it for nearly two decades now.
What makes you think that they’re not going to HAMMER Conservatives when those with a “C” next to their name abandon their principles and engage in rank hypocrisy for simple political expediency.
This statement stings because it is ACTUALLY TRUE: MANY of Trump’s supporters who despise Obama’s tenure as President are fine with the same behaviors, so long as it is THEIR thin-skinned prompter authoritarian tyrant narcissist in the White House.
Stewart looks like has has been on a 3 day binge!
The media never said anything resembling that about their adorned obama, her real..
Your hatred for Trump is obvious.
Every so often, I get a jolt of reality from studying history.
You know, that infamous line about studying it so it doesn’t repeat.
Well, sometimes it does.
While researching newspapers in Ohio to find stories on relatives and what was happening where they lived, I stumbled upon the following article quoting a congressman from PA who was most likely William D. Kelley, a rather ardent Republican, good friend of Abraham Lincoln and one of the founders of the Republican party …
Eaton Democrat, Eaton, Ohio
May 13th, 1886
Says a Few Words on the Labor Troubles.
Washington, May 7. — Congressman Kelley, of Pennsylvania, is quoted as saying:
Sounds very much like parts of the acceptance speech of Trump.
Posted at 7:30. eh? Almost past your bedtime.
Check your calendars folks. All this became moot on Thursday night when Trump said, “I do.”
It doesn’t matter if you have 10 million better people who you would rather have as candidates. It doesn’t matter if they are more handsome, more moral, have better hair, are better speakers … None of it matters any more. That’s last week’s news. Your chance to get your perfect candidate is over – try again in 4 years. Today, Trump is the guy. THAT’S REALITY!!!
Next week, barring a heart attack or an asteroid strike, Hillary will take her vows and the battle will be official. It’s Trump v Clinton. It’s not (Trump v Some Mythical Perfect Conservative) v Clinton. That battle exists only in your fantasies. Stewart knows this and is doing what he does best – rattling cages and sowing dissent among the left’s opposition. That’s his game, and he hopes you will be stupid enough to play.
You’ve called it straight on this one. And obviously Stewart hit a rich vein of ore on this site. With an able assist from K. K., here he’s struck the mother lode.
And once again, thanks to whatever jimmies been performed here, for whatever reason, giving you an up vote doesn’t register.
secondwind, thank you.
Trump gave them a chance for relavance and Ted blew it – big time. Trump let him speak without censorship or precondition. It was Ted’s chance to take a seat at the table. Ted refused to come to the launch party unless he could decide the seating arrangements and the menu. Trump clearly realizes that the price of Ted’s HALF hearted support is saddling himself with the FULL weight of Ted’s baggage. Trump decided it wasn’t worth the cost and the delegates showed their approval when they booed Ted off the stage. USS Trump sailed without him. It was a brilliant stroke. In a single move, without uttering a word, Trump freed himself of the barnacles of the inept, uncompromising far right radicals and made 80% of the attacks liberals use irrelavant. Now Trump is free to steal Hillary votes from dissatisfied dems (union voters, black voters, etc) who feel the results of 8 years of Obama’s radicalization. Imagine Hillary having to defend CA.
I believe we are witnessing the difference in thought processes between a candidate who earned his billions and one who stole her millions.
In one night, #NeverTrump became irrelevant, it’s leader disgraced himself and was rejected by the party, Trump freed himself of unwanted baggage and Hillary lost most of her talking points. Brilliant! Well played, Mr President!
That’s one of the most delusional sacks of shit I’ve seen in a long time!
“In a single move, without uttering a word, Trump freed himself of the barnacles of the inept, uncompromising far right radicals and made 80% of the attacks liberals use irrelavant.”
Really? Then why did he feel compelled…like one under demonic possession…to go on record with a litany of lies the next day?
And WHY, if he’s not the lying sack of shit I’ve identified for months, is he NOW favoring PAC money, and even floating the idea of forming a Super-PAC to punish anyone who dares disagree with him…or suck him like you do?
I’m delighted to just let that madness hang in the air, unanswered.
I move that we adopt you as LI’s mascot. It’s pet hippo-potty-mouth. Your efforts to raise the level of discourse on LI should not go unrewarded. No need to thank me.
And don’t be bashful. We all know that the ‘most delusional sack’ you see each day is in your bathroom mirror, brushing his mouth. Does Preparation H make a mint flavor?
Now that I’ve answered all your important points, let me wish you well. If you hurry, you can catch Ted at the station on his way to Irrelevance. He needs help with his baggage cause mean old Trump refuses to carry it.
I’m delighted to just let that madness hang in the air, unanswered.
You haven’t…can’t…answer any of my points regarding T-wamps mean-girl rantings. All you can do is bung-suck T=rump.
See, I told you, secondwind. You just push that little button right thar and that little sum-bitch hops like a toad. Works every time and ya don’t need no batteries. Best way to spend a Sat afternoon I ever had.
This is fun!
Watch him now. He’ll jump any second.
Part of the problem with Trump as the candidate is that it undercuts the argument of many Conservatives against Obama’s acts (and Bill Clinton’s acts).
As above, far, far to many “Conservative” Trump supporters who have been highly critical of the Obama administration (and the Bill Clinton administration) are now having to tie themselves into pretzels in order to justify supporting Trump, who has made statements supporting the same acts, and indicating that he would behave the same way.
Those “Conservative” Trump supporters are fine with the behaviors or acts so long as it is THEIR thin-skinned prompter authoritarian tyrant narcissist in the White House.
It opens up the Republican / Conservative movement to the charge of rank hypocrisy. It further damages any individual who might later point out Democrat hypocrisy, because they simply bring a mirror and force Trump supporters to eat their own words.
The TRUE Conservative movement has been saying ALL ALONG “No, it’s NOT ok when ANYBODY does it.”
THAT is why the Convention SHOULD have allowed for the “roll call” vote on the issue of the rules, and then a “roll call” vote on the rules themselves. It would have allowed for the Conservatives to register their dissatisfaction with the hypocrisy in an official manner AND would have introduced structural changes to the rules which would have benefited the Party AS A WHOLE by introducing Conservative structural changes (goodbye GOPe), but Trump STILL WOULD HAVE BEEN NOMINATED because he had sufficient individual delegate backing to get over the required amount.
The party could THEN have actually coalesced. The Conservatives would have said “hey, we made our voices heard, the party went in a different direction, we’ll address it AFTER the election.”
Instead, what happened is the GOPe stomped on the Conservatives, told them they don’t matter, and got the outcome they were going to get anyway. It’s the kind of power-play that the Trump supporters have claimed to decry the entire campaign.
Trump gave them a chance for relevance and Ted blew it – big time. … In one night, #NeverTrump became irrelevant, it’s leader disgraced himself and was rejected by the party….
THAT claim is yet to be seen. I have my personal prediction that on the day after the election, you will likely see a mass exodus from the GOP to a newly formed party of a Conservative persuasion with the intention of running a viable 3rd party candidate in the 2020 election cycle (Cruz or someone else). It is entirely possible that Trump the candidate with promises and Trump the President with actual responsibilities (if elected) will be vastly different people, and if so I would not be surprised to see a candidate challenge by a Conservative candidate in 4 years.
If so, expect that those the Trump supporters derisively refer to as “purists” to finally conclude the Republican Party dead, and likely Ted Cruz will become their de-facto public leader, and we’ll FINALLY get the debate we should have had during the primary: 1-on-1 Trump v. Cruz.
Att. Chucky,(Polly) Parrot :
“Polly wanna cracker?”
Given what you’ve all done, why would we possibly care about your opinions’, you’ve removed yourself from consideration as serious original thinkers.
What have I said that would give the impression I’m a “Conservative?”
You’ve screwed the pooch on that label.
Such a thoughtful and enlightened response. Thank you.
I was most certainly NOT referring to you. You, Secondwind, have shown yourself to most assuredly NOT to be a Conservative. I would hate for anyone to think that I was bestowing that label upon you.
And you, as a Trump supporter, SHOULD care about the opinions of Conservatives. Trump CANNOT win without them voting. If Mr. Trump (or his supporters) alienate those Conservatives, they will simply boycott the Presidential line (or vote 3rd party), vote down-ticket for actual Conservative politicians and hope that should Hillary win that there is sufficient opposition to stall her for four years.
It is the ultimate way for the supporters of Mr. Trump to unwittingly sabotage his candidacy.
15 paragraphs of blah, blah, blah, & yada, yada, yada ; & you’ve still made yourself irrelevant. I’m not going to take 15 paragraphs to respond.
Thank you ; the checks in the mail. It should arrive any day.
doublesucks and VaPigman:
What you’ve done is expose yourselves as trolls and crazies. In inverse order.
Good job…!!!
“In a single move, without uttering a word, Trump freed himself of the barnacles of the inept, uncompromising far right radicals and made 80% of the attacks liberals use irrelavant.”
Really? Then why did he feel compelled…like one under demonic possession…to go on record with a litany of lies the next day?
And WHY, if he’s not the lying sack of shit I’ve identified for months, is he NOW favoring PAC money, and even floating the idea of forming a Super-PAC to punish anyone who dares disagree with him…or suck him like you do?
You morons can’t deal with those
Queer Pierre :
Through your choice of words & phrasing you’ve shown yourself to be a repressed homosexual. Fly your rainbow freak flag proudly! You’re just upset because the cute homosexuals wouldn’t touch your crotchital area with Tim Kane’s package.
Start taking deliveries in the rear. With the right spin, even rim shots go all in.
You should have had the integrity to just admit you can’t deal with the questions.
Instead, you just prove how crazy and dishonest you are. Which is REALLY crazy and dishonest!
Q. P. :
Answer Va. Gents. questions below. Then answer my unanswered question of a week ago. Where the hell’s your no show champion???!! He crawl’s out of his spider hole, knifes Trump in the back, (or so he thinks) then chases back over the Canadian border again & nobody knows where he is!!
Typical “Principled Conservative”, no show coward. By the way, “Texas”, where are you from? Southern California like I still believe, southern God only knows Canada, or southern Texas, Aka Mexico.
Loser parrot breeder.
Trump won, Cruz lost.
Trump is the candidate, Cruz is the afterthought.
The race is between Trump and Hillary. Cruz is not on the ballot.
You haven’t answered my question about mint flavored Preparation H, and it’s more important than the irrelevant questions you asked. Did I mention that Trump won, Cruz lost?
Now that you are about to assume your duties as LI’s hippo-potty-mouth mascot, you need to dress for the job. I’m thinking that a hippo-potty-mouth with a bow tie would make a good logo. Rainbow colored with a pink neck band.
Trump won, Cruz lost.
Trump is the candidate, Cruz is the afterthought.
The race is between Trump and Hillary. Cruz is not on the ballot.
Va. Gent. :
Q. P., Aka loser Parrot Breeder, Aka “Texas”, aka “Oh Canada!”, aka “Mexico” aka everything you’ve dubbed him, is just trying to get us too say something that will get us banned. Just like he did to V. F. & Gary B.
I suspect he’s also a drunk. I further suspect he has carnal knowledge of his parrots.
T-wamp suckers are some of the nastiest people on the planet. Very like their “mean-girl” little yellow god.
Yes, VaPigman, T-wamp has the nomination. Why isn’t he acting anything like presidential?
I know the reason, and I’ve been telling people here for over a year. He’s a stinking, lying, pathological Collectivist thug.
Q. P., Loser Parrot breeder;
As I’VE said for a year, you can dish it out but you can’t take it.
Obviously I can. I’m still right here, you poor crazy old broken failure.
secondwind, nicely done ‘you poor crazy old broken failure’. You hit that button perfect and got that little sum-bitch hoppin’ real good. If you hear ’bout any good troll hoppin’ contests let me know. Enter him and we can win us a few bucks to supplement our social security. But we got to hop him a lot to keep him in shape.
And then we have this, from Ted’s major financial supporters:
“Last summer and again this year, Senator Ted Cruz pledged to support the candidacy of the nominee of the Republican Party, whomever that nominee might be.”
“The Democratic Party will soon choose as their nominee a candidate who would repeal both the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights, a nominee who would remake the Supreme Court in her own image. We need ‘all hands on deck’ to ensure that Mr. Trump prevails.”
“Unfortunately,” the statement added, “Senator Cruz has chosen to remain in his bunk below, a decision both regrettable and revealing.”
Intelligent people recognize reality and adjust to it. Fools double down on stupid.
I guess the CruzBots will say that losing his main contributors frees him to lead the upcoming conservative revolution.
Trump won, Cruz lost.
Trump is the candidate, Cruz is the afterthought.
The race is between Trump and Hillary. Cruz is not on the ballot.
T-wamp suckers are some of the nastiest people on the planet. Very like their “mean-girl” little yellow god.
Yes, VaPigman, T-wamp has the nomination. Why isn’t he acting anything like presidential?
I know the reason, and I’ve been telling people here for over a year. He’s a stinking, lying, pathological Collectivist thug.
Intelligent people recognize reality and adjust to it. Fools double down on stupid.
And pathological personalities can’t help but act out their pathologies.
Can you, VaPigman…???
Dang, we got him hoppin’ now.
Trump won, Cruz lost.
Trump is the candidate, Cruz is the afterthought.
The race is between Trump and Hillary. Cruz is not on the ballot.
Get ready, this one could be a record.
“Trump is the candidate, Cruz is the afterthought.
The race is between Trump and Hillary. Cruz is not on the ballot.”
So, why are you and mean-girl T-wamp still obsessed with him? Why do you and he insist on lying? What’s the sick drive to smear him about?
And when did you think breaking into pure trolling on this site was a good idea? Or is that just your pathology making you dance?
Q. P., P. B.
Now you no longer have the last word you obsessive KKKruzer. Hop froggy hop!
Yeah, we got him hoppin’ good now.
Serious question, how old do you think he is? Judging from his language and terms he uses to insult people, I’m thinking he’s like 8 – 13. He tries to get people to notice him by his shocking language. It’s mostly kids that age who do that.
It’s dang near 100 right now, so I’m gonna take me a nap. I sleep good now thinking about President Trump taking office in Jan.