Depraved NARAL Video: Comedians in Cars Getting Abortions

Some of the best comedy is irreverent. I get that. That said, I’m hard pressed to find the humor in killing a child to avoid responsibility, particularly as one wiggles around in my womb.

NARAL’s (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) latest ad attempted to humorize the perceived difficulty created by abortion regulations.

The result? A video bemoaning the tedious bureaucratic process required to kill an unborn life. Because it’s so.hard. to sit through a five minute spiel informing women of abortion risks and an explanation of their baby’s developmental process.

HAHA. Laws make killing a baby annoyingly hard work. HAHA. Get it?! HAHA.

I’m not outraged; I’m heartbroken.

NARAL’s ad is a snapshot of how the pro-infanticide movement views abortion. Void of humanity, or willingness to consider the purpose of the life ended for the most selfish and vain of reasons, just the insistence that it’s a woman’s choice to kill their child, or not. But the “or not” is mocked as bible-thumping, ignorant idiocy.

Depraved, indeed.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Abortion