Case Western U closes this week since students fear cops from GOP Convention
“Riot Police Occupation”
Due to a tremendous need for security at the Republican convention this week, policemen from all over the country came to Cleveland to work the event.
An arrangement was made to house many of these police at Case Western University, but students complained that they wouldn’t feel safe with all those cops on campus. So the school cancelled all activity for the week.
Campus Reform reported last week:
Cleveland students protest ‘mere presence’ of cops on campus for RNC
Students at a Cleveland, Ohio college are petitioning to halt the billeting of riot police officers on campus during the Republican National Convention (RNC) next week.
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) will close down most campus activity next week as administrators fear rioting outside the RNC may spill over onto their campus five miles away, The New York Times reports.
Student have started a petition asking the administration to guarantee student safety while 1,900 police and National Guardsmen are housed at CWRU, and to limit the officers’ privileges during their stay. The petition had garnered just 360 signatures at press time, out of a goal of 500.
Chris Sheridan, a CWRU vice president, told The Times that many black students are concerned over the police presence, explaining that “in light of the national climate, they had concerns about police officers on campus in close proximity to them with weapons.”
This is the text of the student petition:
Student Safety During Riot Police Occupation of Case Western Reserve University
Whereas Case Western Reserve University leadership has stated that the University will allow 1,500 riot police to stay in student housing during the Republican National Convention;
We, the faculty, staff, employees, alumni, students, community members, and friends of Case Western Reserve University hereby petition the campus administration to ensure that:
1) Riot police store all weapons, equipment, and riot-control gear off campus;
2) Riot police refrain from entering University-owned buildings, with the exception of their assigned residence halls;
3) The University informs riot police that they do not have jurisdiction on campus and that they shall contact campus police in case of emergency;
4) Riot police refrain from using alcohol or other mind-altering substances for the duration of their stay;
5) Riot police expressly consent to abide by University conduct regulations including, but not limited to: antidiscrimination, sexual harassment, substance abuse, and weapons policies;
6) The University bans from campus any riot police officer that violates University conduct policies;
7) The University informs the campus community of the following details by July 1st:
· The residence halls to which the riot police will be assigned,
· The dates and times the riot police will be on campus, and
· The details of the campus security plan to protect the rights and safety of the campus community during the RNC;
8) The University offers alternative housing arrangements for students in University Summer Housing who request reassignment for the duration of the stay of the riot police;
9) The University provides a mechanism for the campus community to report incidences of riot police misconduct.
Funny. I thought today’s students approved of occupations.
Greg Gutfeld covered this on his show Sunday night. He and his panel had a good time with the story, watch below:
Featured image via YouTube.

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Good move. Get rid of the troublemakers.
Oh FFS! These previous snow flakes need a wake up call…preferably a slap around the face…but a wake up call never the less!
And whats the University’s response? To fold like a French Army!
These fragile snowflakes are sure to succeed in The Real World!
Have you ever noticed that these snowflakes love to melt down because of man made global warming? Now if a woman were to have made global warming then …
Ladies and gentlemen, meet our future leaders.
No, not our future leaders. Possibly the enablers of the new aristocracy that they want, but not leaders. Followers and Yes-men scrabbling after crumbs of power.
Wouldn’t everyone – from the students to the community at large – be better served if this shutdown weren’t limited to just one week? How about a full year to give the flowers a chance to grow and soak up the sunshine?
The next time you have an emergency and need some help…call a crackhead!
Aleister, did you intend to publish this in The Onion and hit the wrong send button? Oh, they actually wrote that petition themselves?
How could anybody parody these snowflakes? I think their delusional behavior could only makes sense to a Marxist.
Perhaps they could bring some police officers in to protect the students from… the police officers.
“Dumb ass” is such a popular major at colleges today. Don’t they know that only one of them can be head of the DNC?
I think the bigger question where is the leadership from the college?
The college administration has failed at a level that is unbelievable.
College students so out of touch and then an administration
more of of touch with reality.
Folks this is not Berkley, Ca. It’s in OHIO! What the hell is going on?
My son in law is there. He says his dorm has no AC. He worked 14 hours yesterday, as did every officer he came with. They are too tired to do anything but sleep. Ungrateful snowflakes just don’t understand the sacrifices these officers are making to keep order in the midst of deliberately created chaos.
I would feel so safe with cops around, it would get to my head.
Would the need for security at the Convention sell better on campus if it were presented as “defend Americans’ right to free speech” instead of “provide security at the Republican Convention”?
For surely if the First Amendment protects any type of speech it must protect political speech, and what is more political than a political party’s convention?
Perhaps the school could provide teach-ins on the importance of the First, and on how gross a violation of that Amendment it would be to permit protestors to shut down the political convention of a major political party? With extra credit for demonstrating an understanding of the principle that there’s no need to protect speech no one finds objectionable.
They have no use for fee speech rights, or any rights.
The only response to this petition should have consisted of 2 words; “Grow Up!”
The price of virtue signaling is a week’s vacation.
Normally CWU has a 10,000 student population – probably less during the summer. However using the 10K, the 350 petitioners = 3.5% of the students. The University shuts itself down for 3.5% – all of whom are serious weenies? I would be furious if I was paying their high tuition and my classes were cancelled for this reason. I worked for a University where 2′ of snow would not shut things down, but I guess for CWU, a little crybaby BS is enough to shut things down. Total administration failure.
Are the black students fearful that cops on campus will put a crimp in their nefarious activities?
Well boy howdy, maybe the police in town should just let the kids know they’re on their own from now on. Let the snowflakes do their own protection thing.