After Dallas Sniper Attack on Police, Rush Makes Grim Prediction for Party Conventions

Following the horrific violence and murder of police officers in Dallas this week, conservative talk host Rush Limbaugh made a disturbingly plausible prediction on his show.

Rush suggested that Dallas might just be the beginning of something and that the next targets could be the Republican National Convention and the Democratic Convention after that.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:

After Dallas, Rush Limbaugh Predicts Republican and Democratic Conventions Will Be AttackedConservative radio host Rush Limbaugh predicted Friday that both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions later this month will be the next targets of an attack after the police killings Thursday night in Dallas.Limbaugh first acknowledged what he was about to say was risky and that he had no hard evidence proving that his prediction would happen.“There’s one more thing about this event in Dallas, and this is going to be risky,” he said. “I could very easily just not say what I’m going to say and let it happen.”Limbaugh said that in light of the Dallas ambush, which left five police officers dead and seven more wounded, the recent surge in public shootings is not going to end anytime soon.“But, I think everybody better come to grips with the fact that this is not the end of anything here,” he said.The radio host then predicted that due to heavy media presence, and hinting at the contentious state of politics in this election cycle, there would likely be attacks on the Republican and Democratic Conventions.“And the next target is going to be the Republican National Convention and then possibly after that the next target–the Democrat National Convention because there’s going to be huge numbers of people in both places and there’s going to be lots of cameras,” he said. “And the media is going to be in both places.”

Listen to the audio below:

The Democratic Party’s plan to disrupt the Republican Convention, which Rush also discussed, was documented recently at the Smoking Gun:

DNC Readies Warning On “Trumpocalypse”The Democratic Party’s plan to crash this month’s Republican National Convention is heavy on gimmicks and stunts meant to highlight a possible “Trumpocalypse,” as well as to ridicule the presumptive GOP candidate’s purported spray tan, tiny fingers, and dog whistle proclivities.The Democratic National Committee’s “Counter Convention Plan Sketch” covers 22 pages and outlines the party’s activities in Cleveland, where the Republican convention begins July 18. Democratic operatives will launch their operation a week earlier, on July 11, to coincide with the opening of the RNC’s summer meeting.A copy of the plan was obtained by the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” who breached party servers and made off with DNC financial records, e-mails, research reports, and other documents. In e-mails to TSG, “Guccifer 2.0” has claimed to be a Romanian “hacktivist,” though security researchers who have examined the DNC breach have said that the infiltration appears to be the work of a Russian espionage unit.The DNC plan notes that the party’s efforts in Cleveland will cost in excess of $800,000. In addition to 16 staffers on the ground, the party will have numerous surrogates available for media interviews and an RV to “serve as a mobile billboard” and green room. The plan was honed when the GOP field narrowed to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich. Subsequent updates focused primarily on “gimmicks” to ridicule Trump.

Let’s hope everyone stays safe.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Election, Dallas Shooting, DNC, RNC, Rush Limbaugh