On June 6, 1944, Allied forces executed Operation Neptune, one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history. We know it at D-Day. Two years prior to launching the D-Day kickoff to the Battle of Normandy (Operation Overlord), Allied forces planned, strategized, and misdirected Axis opponents (Operation Bodyguard) to ensure Operation Neptune’s success.
The D-Day invasions marked a crucial turning point in the European theatre. Within two months, France was liberated. By the following spring, the Germans were defeated.
Today, we remember the courage, valor, grit, and determination of the men and women who participated in the D-Day invasions.
101st Airborne On The Eve Of D-Day, June 5, 1944
Original video footage from the evening before D-Day, June 5, 1944 filmed by American Military personnel.
Seen in the video members of the 101st Airborne Division, and more specifically, men of the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) are preparing the aircraft at Greenham Common Airfield in the United Kingdom
The men seen are marching to the aircraft with camouflaged faces wearing their battle equipment. Before these men board and depart for the invasion of Normandy, they are read a letter, circulated from Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe.
The video depicts on board aircraft of the 87th Troop Carrier Squadron (438th Troop Carrier Group). The focal point of the video is the preparation and departure of the lead aircraft named That’s All, Brother (42-92847) present at her send off are Lt. Gen. Louis H. Brereton, commander of the 9th Air Force, and Lt. Col. Louis R. Goodrich. Piloting the aircraft will be Col. John Donalson, commander of the 438th TCG and Lt. Col. David Daniel, commander of the 87th TCS.
Footage from the sea (mostly Omaha beach)
D-Day as depicted in Saving Private Ryan
One of the best cinematic renditions:
And if you have a little time to spare, a documentary on surviving D-Day
So many more I’d love to add, but this is a good start.
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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God bless “the boys”! We owe them so much. Thanks those still among us. For those who are not, may they rest in peace.
This is great. thank you. I am preparing to teach WWII to my homeschool co-op this year, and I think I will be focusing on D-day. Also, I might recommend The Longest Day with John wayne.
The Longest Day is essential viewing.
One who was there:
“72 years later, D-Day paratrooper returns to Normandy’
My Uncle Tom piloted the boats that delivered the men to shore. (I can’t remember the name of them.) He was very proud of the fact that all of his men died at the hands of the Germans. Many of the men in the other boats never even made it to shore.
LCVPs (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) or Higgins Boats. And a sincere thanks to your Uncle Tom.
oh wow. what a thing to be proud of. I mean, I understand, but ouch for him and everyone there.
sorry, that came of as snotty in my head. I mean, how terrible that his experience is something to be grateful/proud of. That so many died in the waters that having them die on shore is a good thing.
also, look at this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2429903/Peace-Day-Reminder-millions-lives-lost-war-artists-stencil-9-000-bodies-Normandy-beach.html
That was the day when the Allies poured out their blood and treasure to save the world. So very many did not come back. But, save the world (or at least the European Theater), they did.
It’s sad to think that our current occupant of the US Presidency thinks this was a bad thing, along with our victory against Japan.
My father was there the next day. He never discussed it but I learned it later from others.
Same with my father. He wasn’t at Normandy. He was busy liberating Rome. But he was at Monte Cassino. All he would ever say was, “Boy, THAT was rough.”
As a matter of fact, the local VFW used to nag him to join. He finally just out and told them, “why would I want to sit around a bar and talk about things I want to forget.”
This from a man who was 35 when he volunteered right after Pearl Harbor.
Those guys weren’t PC.
And they didn’t need ‘safe space’.