New South Carolina Law Requires Students to Learn Founding Documents

As we’ve documented countless times at College Insurrection, many students in America today have a flawed understanding of free speech and other Constitutional subjects.

There once was a time when it was safe to assume students were taught about the Constitution and America’s other founding documents, but the behavior on many campuses today suggests that’s no longer happening.

South Carolina just passed a new law to remedy this situation.

The Daily Signal reports:

This New Law Ensures South Carolina Students Will Study the Founding DocumentsGov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed a South Carolina House bill into law that implements the study of U.S. founding documents into the state’s public high schools.The South Carolina Founding Principles Act requires the study of the United States Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and “the structure of the government and the role of separation of powers and the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights” to be added into statewide social studies programs.This bill, signed June 1, reinforces South Carolina’s Section 59-29-120 that required all public education students, both in high school and in college, to pass a test after a year-long class on the founding documents and principles.The Founding Principles Act bolsters the existing law by adding an accountability clause requiring the State Department of Education to report to the House and Senate Education Committees as well as the Public Works Committee every two years. This report will outline how South Carolina educators are teaching the documents in their classrooms.

As a member of Generation X, I was steeped in U.S. history from a young age during Saturday morning cartoons. This would probably be considered “triggering” on some campuses today:

This tweet from comedian Cameron Esposito proves my point:

If the left ever succeeds in making the Constitution irrelevant, all bets are off.

As Trump sometimes asks, do we have a country or not?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Constitution, Education, South Carolina