Maine’s First Lady Gets Job Waiting Tables

Maine's First Lady Gets Job Waiting Tables

Maine’s First Lady has joined the working class ranks. Recently, she picked up a summer job waiting tables to supplement the household income.

“People expect something different of you because of who I’m married to,” Maine’s First Lady Ann LePage told local news.

Governor LePage makes $70,000 per year in exchange for his stewardship of Maine, making it the lowest paid governorship in the country. The average two-person family income in Maine is about $17,000 more annually than the governor’s salary.

First Lady LePage is saving her summer earnings to buy a car.

Local news reports:

“I had no idea it was Ann LePage. I didn’t recognize her,” said one of LePage’s customers, Clayton Eames.Perhaps customers are more used to seeing Mrs. LePage with her husband on election night, the inauguration stage — or maybe reading to kids and raising money for veterans”They said you look so familiar,” LePage said.That familiar face is sporting a new summer look, t-shirt and apron, and is now taking orders on the midcoast.”It’s something I always, always wanted to do,” LePage said.Like many Mainers, Mrs. LePage says she got a seasonal job to make a little extra money.”Oh honey, it’s all about the money; it’s all about the money. I told him (Governor Paul LePage) my money I earn here I’m putting in a kitty. I want to buy a car this summer,” LePage said.According to the Maine Department of Labor, more than 10,000 seasonal employees are hired in Maine every year to work at restaurants and bars.”It’s a big business in Maine in the summer — particularly on the coast,” said Governor LePage during a recent town hall.During that town hall, Governor LePage also mentioned his wife’s summer gig.”My daughter last year, she’s in law school, she made $28 an hour working in Boothbay as a waitress, server. She did so well, my wife, the first lady, to supplement the governor’s salary is waitressing this summer. I’m kidding — not kidding really,” Governor LePage said.

There’s something admirable about politicians (and by extension, their families) who haven’t gone full elitist, but choose to be part of their constituency — as it should be.

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Tags: Culture, Maine