Kemberlee’s 1,000th Legal Insurrection Blog Post

I was doing some stuff around the site earlier this week when I stumbled upon my LI blogging stats –stats that revealed I was dangerously close to the 1,000 blog post marker. 1,000 blog posts. I know I’ve blogged a fair amount in the last (almost) two years I’ve been working at this great site, but if asked, I never would’ve guessed I was anywhere close to 1,000 blog posts.

Because this is the magic 1,000th post, seems fitting I treat it like the milestone it is.

I’ll spare everyone a lengthy piece full of shallow profundities, but will instead share a few facts and things I’ve learned along the golden LI way.



To all of you who take the time to read what I type, a sincere thank you. I’m honored and humbled to be part of the Legal Insurrection team and community. I appreciate your honesty, candidness, and ability to find every tiny little thing I may have missed. You’re one heckuva group of people.

Onward to the next 1,000 posts! (Someone have a drink for me, since I can’t until this tiny human joins us.)

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Blogging