Gross appearance of impropriety in AG Lynch private meeting with Bill Clinton

What do you call an Attorney General who meets privately with the husband of a person under FBI investigation, and only discloses it when asked?

Loretta Lynch.

This is the last straw for me, when it comes to Lynch.

I opposed my former law school classmate’s nomination because her congressional testimony indicated she would be too political. Events have confirmed my fears, from suggestions that “hate speech” might be prosecutable, to the threat to sue people who disagree with the administration on climate change, her political grandstanding on the North Carolina bathroom law, to the attempt to edit out references to Islam and ISIS from the 911 transcript of the Orlando terrorist.

None of that is quite as outrageous as the news today that Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport for 30 minutes, a meeting that was revealed only when a local news crew asked her about it at a press conference. ABC15 reports:

Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton.The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane.Former President Clinton was visiting the Phoenix area and arrived to Sky Harbor Monday evening to depart.Sources tell ABC15 Clinton was notified Lynch would be arriving at the airport soon and waited for her arrival.Lynch was arriving in Phoenix for a planned visit as part of her national tour to promote community policing.ABC15 asked Lynch about the meeting during her news conference at the Phoenix Police Department.”I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as he was leaving and spoke to myself and my husband on the plane,” said Lynch.The private meeting comes as Lynch’s office is in charge of the ongoing investigation and potential charges involving Clinton’s email server.The private meeting also occurred hours before the Benghazi report was released publicly involving Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s administration.Lynch said the private meeting on the tarmac did not involve these topics.”Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social about our travels and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix,” said Lynch Tuesday afternoon while speaking at the Phoenix Police Department.Sources say the private meeting at the airport lasted around 30 minutes.”There was no discussion on any matter pending before the Department or any matter pending with any other body, there was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of State Department emails, by way of example I would say it was current news of the day, the Brexit decision and what it would mean,” she said.

Neither Lynch nor Bill Clinton are dummies. They both know that such a private meeting creates the appearance of impropriety regardless of what was discussed. Bill Clinton’s wife is being investigated by the FBI — why do you think he dropped in for a chat with Lynch?

Of course they didn’t discuss the case. They didn’t need to.

If there was no appearance of impropriety, why did Lynch wait until a local news crew, apparently tipped off, asked her about it?

It feeds a narrative of the Clintons acting like the fix is in, with Hillary repeatedly bragging that there is no way she’s going to be indicted.

Lynch should have known better.

I’m confident she does.

Tags: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, Loretta Lynch