Democrats Plan Gun Control “Day of Action” for Wednesday
Anti-Second Amendment Democrats focus on November
Anxious to shift the national conversation from the worst terror attack on U. S. soil since 9/11, Democrats see an opportunity to accomplish that while simultaneously pushing to disarm law-abiding citizens.
Democrats, eager to keep their gun grabbing plans on the front burner, are taking their protest against the Second and Fourth Amendments outside their pillow fort in the House and to town halls, conference tables, and press conferences on Wednesday, June 29th, their designated “day of action.”
Energized by their recent takeover of the House floor, the Democrats are eying a series of tactics and events for members to bring to their home districts through the break, including a “national day of action” designed to remind voters that Republicans have refused to bring the issue on the floor.
In a letter sent to all Democrats on Friday, the organizers behind the sit-in urged their colleagues to “build the momentum” created by the protest, in hopes of forcing the Republicans’ hands by dint of public pressure.
“Our sit-in showed that the Republican Leadership can no longer ignore the epidemic of gun violence,” the Democrats wrote. “A movement was born and will only continue to grow.”
The letter was signed by Reps. John Lewis (Ga.), John Larson (Conn.), Katherine Clark (Mass.), David Cicilline (R.I.), Robin Kelly (Ill.) and Mike Thompson (Calif.).
Their suggested day of action: June 29.
Their suggested tactic: almost anything.
“Whether it [is] a press conference, roundtable, or telephone town hall, we encourage you [to] host an event showing that Democrats in Congress will keep up the fight against gun violence,” the lawmakers wrote. “Local partners including survivors, law enforcement and faith leaders can be excellent partners and can help carry our message even further.”
Apparently, this “day of action” will also include, depending on the member of Congress, local events planned in various home districts across the nation. For example, David Cicilline (D-RI) will be “announcing details of events planned in Rhode Island.”
The Providence Journal has more:
The Democrats hope to inspire events in cities and towns around the country to support legislation to tighten background checks and prevent suspected terrorists on “no-fly” lists from buying guns.
“Our sit-in showed that the Republican Leadership can no longer ignore the epidemic of gun violence. A movement was born and will only continue to grow,” Cicilline and five other members of the House wrote to their colleagues. “We ask you to join us in a National Day of Action on June 29, 2016. While you are back home in your district, you can continue to build the momentum and engage your community.”
The letter was signed by Cicilline, U.S. Reps. John Lewis, John Larson, Katherine Clark, Robin Kelly and Mike Thompson.
Cicilline said he intends to announce details of events planned for Rhode Island.
According to Politico, Democrats were “sent home armed with information packets . . . [that] include groups to contact, social media suggestions, talking points, polling numbers and other fact sheets.”
Not only does this “day of action” have Alinksy written all over it, but the Democrats, knowing quite well that they will get nowhere with the current GOP majorities in the House and Senate, are eager to get out the vote this November and to reclaim both the House and Senate . . . all the better to fulfill their gun-grabbing dreams.
On Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) iterated the GOP stance on Democrat gun proposals: “Let me be really clear. We are not going to take away the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans.”
The Hill continues:
The Democrats acknowledge that their favored gun reforms are almost certainly going nowhere in the GOP-controlled Congress. But they’re hoping the more aggressive tactics they’ve employed — and the national attention those tactics have attracted — will bring like-minded voters out to the polls on the Democrats’ side in November.
“No one, but no one, can afford to stay home on Election Day,” Lewis said Thursday outside the Capitol moments after the protest ended.
Wednesday sounds like a good day for Second Amendment rallies and counterarguments on social media.

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Put them on record – it has been such a winner for the democrats – NOT
Agreed. Make the Dems be the ones holding up legistlation. Put bills out that protect due process AND fundamental rights. Most likely Dems will not pass it.
There are ways to clean up existing laws AND prevent people who should “on lists” from buying.
Trapped in the 60’s is such a sad way to be.
Forget all the frills, fascist Democrats. Do what you really want to do – repeal the 2d Am. So lets see you go through the long slog of Article V.
That article provides for 2 ways to amend. Through 68% of both houses of Congress first, then through 75% of the states. This is the method used for all the existing amendments. Or through a con-con, i.e., “on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states.” This one has never been tried. Maybe for good reason.
A con-con can’t be controlled or limited to any one one issue. As proof, look at the 1787 convention itself. Now imagine if the leftists, Democrats, get control of the application process and in turn the con-con itself. None of us will ever be able to see the protections, albeit greatly abused, now found in our Constitution.
They know the process, they also know that isn’t quite possible yet.
But they can’t wait so they want to infringe the hell out of the 2A making it hard to impossible just to get a gun let alone shoot it or buy ammo. Quicker for the end result they want.
Was it really a sit in or did the van from the assisted living center just forget to pick them all up?
History repeating itself.
Warren wants to take guns from the Cherokee, just like her ancestors did.
Spread the word.
“A movement was born and will only continue to grow.”
Where’s Planned Parenthood when you really need them.
By all means bring in more aliens while disarming us so you can use them to win votes!
They are not proposing the banishment of the second amendment because they know it would lose out right. The Left is afraid of the people, that is why they must disarm the people and have an armed security for themselves. They are right to be scared of the intelligent, educated, gun owners who do follow the law. The government is becoming a threat with each passing day. A civil war may rise start up again.
According to Politico, Democrats were “sent home armed with information packets . . .
Interesting choice of words. If one is to be “armed” when action is intended, should I conclude that the Democrats want me unarmed so that I cannot take action? Totalitarians never cease their efforts to control.
Sure hope they didn’t use “Bullet Points”.
First, they disarmed the babies.
Progressive liberals seem intent to deprive people of life, liberty, and its self-defense.
dis-armed, dis-legged, dis-necked, dis-organed, dis-membered
The rights and responsibilities of liberty seem alien in a society with a State-established Pro-choice cult (i.e. “Church”).
And of course, fresh pacifiers will be available for all.
This election should be almost a gimme.
Instead, Trump will give not only the White House, but also Congress, to Democrats.
Delegates better intervene.
Not sure about 4th Amdt but 5th Amdt Due Process protections would definitely be impacted by their proposed legislation. The absurdity, of course, is that promnent supporter Rep Lewis was, at one time, on one of the lists. Of course, being well known and a member of Congress got him off the list – something that would not be available to most deprived of their 2nd Amdt rights by the Dem legislation.