David Cameron to Jeremy Corbyn: “For Heaven’s Sake, Man. GO!”

British Prime Minister David Cameron told Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to leave his post, a day after his party passed a no confidence motion against him.

“It might be my party’s interest for him to sit there, it’s not in the national interest and I would say, for heaven’s sake, man, go!” he said at the House of Commons.

(Video after the jump)

Labour’s members of parliaments (MP) passed a no confidence vote against Corbyn yesterday, 172-40. People inside the party felt Corbyn and his office hampered the party’s campaign to keep Britain in the European Union. From The London Times:

Alan Johnson, the former home secretary, said that it often felt as if figures in the leader’s office were “working against the rest of the party and had conflicting objectives”.The broadside from Mr Johnson came as the Labour leader faced an avalanche of resignations from his shadow cabinet and frontbench team, with some of the most senior shadow ministers calling for him to quit.Tom Watson, his deputy leader, added to the pressure by telling Mr Corbyn that he had lost the confidence of the parliamentary Labour Party and would face a leadership challenge if he did not step aside.

The Telegraph reported he “lost 20 of his 31 strong shadow cabinet.” Lisa Nandy and Owen Smith said they quit because Corbyn did not show any leadership to the Labour Party. They both want Watson to take Corbyn’s spot. Will Straw, the executive director of the Remain campaign, echoed their concerns:

“Rather than making a clear and passionate Labour case for EU membership, Corbyn took a week’s holiday in the middle of the campaign and removed pro-EU lines from his speeches,” Mr Straw said on Monday afternoon. “Rather than finding imaginative ways for Labour to present a united front and get its message across to wavering supporters, Corbyn vetoed a planned event featuring all Labour’s formers leaders.”

Pat Glass, his new shadow education secretary, resigned on Wednesday morning. She “lasted 51 hours.”

Tags: BREXIT, Britain, Europe, European Union