After a long and bitter primary battle, Bernie Sanders is finally saying he’ll vote for Hillary Clinton, an admission that’s got to sting his most ardent supporters.
Like Elizabeth Warren, Sanders will now throw his support behind the official candidate of Wall Street and big banks. Unlike Warren, he’s not endorsing Hillary just yet.
NPR reports:
Bernie Sanders Says He’ll Vote For Clinton (Still No Endorsement, Though)
Bernie Sanders said he’ll vote for Hillary Clinton in November — but more than two weeks after she became the presumptive Democratic nominee, Sanders remains in the race.
Sanders was on MSNBC when Nicolle Wallace, a former Republican aide and now network political analyst, asked Sanders, “Are you going to vote for Hillary Clinton in November?”
His answer: “Yes.”
He added, “The issue right here is, I think I am going to do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.”
But Sanders did not concede to or praise Clinton, something many Democrats would like to see before the Democratic National Convention next month to fully unify the party heading into the heat of the fall campaign.
Sanders is under tremendous pressure to get with the program. Democrats are desperate to unite the party because they know they can’t win without his supporters.
Just look at the way some liberals in media are pushing Sanders to play along:
One of the reasons Bernie is holding out is because he wants to have a significant impact on the DNC platform but that’s not going too well either. U.S. Uncut reports:
The DNC Just Torpedoed the Majority of Bernie Sanders’ Agenda
The battle over the official Democratic Party platform began in earnest this Friday at a nine-hour meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, and already the sparks of tension seem to be outweighing the calls for “unity.”
The Democratic Party’s platform is an official statement of values on a wide range of issues, and while it is officially non-binding, the platform serves as a crucial guidepost for the entire party. The 2016 platform committee comprises fifteen members, with five members chosen by Bernie Sanders, six chosen by Hillary Clinton, and four chosen by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chair of the Democratic National Committee.
Bernie Sanders himself had conflicting feelings about the progress and concessions made on Friday, releasing a statement on his website that said he was “pleased” with certain aspects but was “disappointed and dismayed” at other decisions, particularly those regarding trade.
The Democratic convention should be very entertaining.
Featured image via YouTube.
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Maybe, Bernie-Bernie Putt-Putt is hoping that something will as yet put the nomination in his lap, or WINTH don’t they indict her already!
Sanders is reformed Pro-Choice, but his heart lies with the Pro-Choice Church. Abortion rites, Planned Parenthood, progressive wars, impulsive regimes changes, devaluation of capital and labor, anti-native policies (e.g. refugee crises, immigration reform), [class] diversity schemes (e.g. racism, sexism, Affirmative Action), excessive emigration/immigration, and probably gray technologies (i.e. “green” technologies), too.
The strongest endorsement you can give is to vote for someone. Or as Newt Gingrich put it, “To say you’re voting for someone but not endorsing them is a political oxymoron.”
Newt should consult dictionary. There is hell of a lot of difference between voting for someone and endorsing that person.
Not surprised that he is still in the race. The FBI has incentive to issue any recommendations for prosecution before the Dem convention, or wait until after the election. What happens if they recommend prosecution? If she drops out? The basic problem, as I understand it, is that it takes awhile to get on the ballot, and each state is different. NJ had a Dem majority Supreme Court when the Dems were able to do a last minute Senate candidate substitution. But they haven’t been doing that well at the state level recently, and all it would probably take was the high court from one large swing state to refuse to substitute candidates after the legal deadline, and the electing might be over. Think maybe Florda. And/or Ohio. There is reason to believe that the FBI doesn’t want to be accused by either side of throwing the election to the other side. So what happens if Hillary gears pushed out before the convention, based on what the FBI drops on the DoJ? If Sanders is officially out, then they can slip Slo Joe Biden in with, maybe Fauxhauntis Warren as his VP to assuage the left and the rabid feminists. With Sanders still officially in the race? He and his supporters probably rightfully expect that he should get the nomination, and not giving it to him would likely tear the party apart. So, it makes perfect sense for Sanders to hang in there Neil the convention. It isn’t really costing him in either time or money, and it may win him the nomination.
I’ve considered Biden to be their ace-in-a-hole for quite some time. My reasoning is that this administration did wish to be seen as impeding the candidacy of someone like Hillary, with special emphasis on the gender angle. Moreover, of the three, he is more popular. And, as the GOP continued in its progression along a path to choosing Bombardier-Trump as its candidate, it suggested to me that there might be some in the anti-Trump camp who would vote for Biden.
Speculation, for sure.
True, Hillary could be Indicted, or even just keel over.
Bernie is letting it play out.
But in the end, the Democrat party can broker the Nomination and make their own selection.
It is their party, and it is not a public entity.
The party is not beholding to the members.
The party may not beholden, but states do have ballot deadlines for a couple of reasons. First, they need to know who people would be voting for. They need to print ballots and set up voting machines. And it isn’t the states’ fault if the Dem party has to replace Hillary at the top of the ballot. Why should anyone besides the Dem party have to pay for a last minute change? And then there is absentee balloting starting a month or so out, which pushes the printing of the ballots even further out. I suspect that a lot of states without strong Dem majorities in their supreme courts will tell the Dems “Tough”. “Not Our Problem”. Imagine half the ballots with Hillary at the top, and the other half with Biden there. What happens to all the Clinton votes then? They would like to combine them, but is that legal? Point is that if Hillary is pushed out after the convention, the Dems may be up the proverbial tributary without a sufficient means of locomotion. The FBI knows this, which is why I expect them to announce before the convention.