WAR: Bernie Backs Wasserman Schultz Primary Opponent

Bernie Sanders and his legion of loyal supporters do not like DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. That’s been a well established fact for months but things just got real.

During an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Bernie Sanders announced support for Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponent, Tim Canova and said she’d be stripped of her position if he was president.

Ryan Lovelace of the Washington Examiner reports:

Sanders backs Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponentIn a stinging rebuke to Democratic leaders hoping to unite the Party, Sen. Bernie Sanders said Saturday he wants Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to lose to her primary opponent in Florida. A loss could effectively end her chairmanship of the DNC.Asked by CNN whether he prefers Wasserman Schultz or her primary opponent, Tim Canova, Sanders left no doubt about his desire to see the DNC chair defeated.“Well, clearly, I favor her opponent,” Sanders told CNN. “His views are much closer to mine than as to Wasserman Shultz’s.”Sanders added that he would not reappoint Wasserman Schultz as DNC chair should he win the White House.Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver has previously accused the DNC chair of “throwing shade on the Sanders campaign since the very beginning,” meaning she wanted to see Sanders lose.The Sanders campaign’s desire to get rid of Wasserman Schultz increases the odds of a tulmult at the Democratic convention in July. Sanders has called for a political revolution, and he may spark a revolt in the Democratic Party even if he loses the nomination to Hillary Clinton.

Watch the video:

The New York Times has more, including a response from Wasserman Schultz:

Bernie Sanders’s Feud With the Democratic Leadership Heats UpFor months, Mr. Sanders has accused the party of favoring Hillary Clinton, often calling her the “anointed candidate.”He has criticized the party for a debate schedule that his campaign says favors Mrs. Clinton; an arrangement under which Mrs. Clinton raises money for the party; and the appointment of Clinton supporters as leaders of important convention committees.Most recently, he and the party have sparred over what happened at the Nevada Democratic convention a week ago. There, Sanders supporters disrupted the proceedings in a fight over delegates and the state party chairwoman was later threatened. After the party rebuked Mr. Sanders for not clearly condemning what had occurred, his campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, accused Ms. Wasserman Schultz of “throwing shade on the Sanders campaign from the very beginning.”This week, Ms. Wasserman Schultz pushed back against the Sanders campaign in an interview with CNN. “We’ve had the same rules in place that elected Barack Obama,” she told the network. “These rules were adopted for state parties all across the country in 2014.”In a statement on Saturday, she said that “even though Senator Sanders has endorsed my opponent, I remain, as I have been from the beginning, neutral in the presidential Democratic primary.”

Every time Wasserman Schultz is on TV, she tries to paint a rosy picture of the Democratic primary while suggesting it’s Republicans who are disunited.

Let’s see her try that now.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Wasserman Schultz