Speaker Paul Ryan, Donald Trump Will Meet Next Week
Former Vice President Dick Cheney offers support for The Donald

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced he will meet with presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump next week.
Ryan will meet with Trump next week: pic.twitter.com/7EzLsTFU2r
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) May 6, 2016
I've invited @realDonaldTrump for a meeting with GOP leaders next week, and I look forward to the discussion.
— Paul Ryan (@PRyan) May 6, 2016
After they meet with the leadership, Speaker Ryan and Trump will gather privately with RNC chairman Reince Priebus.
“I think it’s going to work out,” said Priebus. “In some cases people are not going to be instantly on board, and I now that can be frustrating for some people. But i think everyone has to … allow a little bit of the steam to get out and get everybody settled down. And I think this is going to come together.”
The news comes only a day after Speaker Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper he cannot support Trump at this moment.
“I hope to though, and I want to,” he said on Tapper’s show The Lead. “But I think what is required is that we unify this party. And I think the bulk of the burden on unifying the party will have to come from our presumptive nominee.”
Trump fired back on Twitter.
“I am not ready to support Speaker Ryan’s agenda. Perhaps in the future we can work together and come to an agreement about what is best for the American people. They have been treated so badly for so long that it is about time for politicians to put them first!” he wrote.
2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush will not attend the RNC in Cleveland, OH. 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole said he will attend “briefly,” but only “to attend a lunch hosted by his law firm.”
Former Vice President Dick Cheney has announced his support for Trump. From CNN:
Former Vice President Dick Cheney will support Donald Trump, he told CNN Friday, an important move as the presumptive Republican nominee is encountering intense resistance from senior members of his own party.
Cheney told CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel that he has always supported the GOP nominee and will do so this year as well.
Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), who said he will sit out this election because he cannot vote for Trump or Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton, told CNN the endorsement shocked him.
“Dick Cheney’s a great man. We see the world a lot alike when it comes to foreign policy. I can understand when people want to support the nominee of the Republican Party. I would like to be able to do that, but I just can’t,” he remarked. “Maybe I’m the outlier here. Probably am. There’ll be Democrats who can’t support Hillary Clinton, and you know some of them will hold their nose and vote for her. Some of them will do it enthusiastically.”

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If a gutless ‘pub like Ryan has to tell the candidate what the ‘pub platform, positions and expectations are, then we need a new candidate.
So, you figure Ryan will be doing all the talking while Trump sits back and takes notes?
I think, unless something really weird happens at the convention, that Trump is not only among the GOP leaders, he is probably THE GOP leader.
Trump’s response to Ryan is exactly what I said.
The little troll had the audacity to increase spending and straight up lie that he was ‘reducing’ the budget. And of course did absolutely nothing meaningful to stop Obama’s imperial amnesty.
People are sick of the bullshit that the DC Republicans feed them.
Trump is at least willing to call them on their bullshit.
I’ve said it from the start. Trump is winning not because he’s a great conservative, not because he’s some great debater or speech maker, not because people think he’s going to magically solve all problems.
Trump is winning because he’s an asshole. And as an asshole, he has proven willing to actually call politicians out on their bullshit.
People handed Republicans their biggest majorities in Congress in almost 100 years. And they have done NOTHING of what they were elected to do.
So people aren’t electing Republicans. They’re electing assholes. And if the GOP doesn’t start delivering on their election promises, stand by for more assholes to start winning down ballot.
I’m not saying its a good thing. In fact, its a terrible thing. But its a logical progression of the GOP’s refusal to stand by its alleged principles.
Sir, I an appalled at your use of a word we Texans use as a cordial greeting to describe those jackasses we have been elected. j/k I’m with you.
aced that one …
Trump is he because
the GOPe took the base
for granted and people
got sick and tired of being
taken for granted.
“People handed Republicans their biggest majorities in Congress in almost 100 years. And they have done NOTHING of what they were elected to do.”
Those majorities needed to be veto-proof in order to do what the Repubs wanted to do. They weren’t veto-proof.
Some of us can count.
And if they were veto proof,these paragons of virtue would find a way to do exactly what they did in another roundabout way.
BTW, I’m not a Trump supporter.
It always amazes me how the Democrats can get their agenda through Congress even if they don’t have a veto proof majority while the Republicans cannot. It is as if the GOP side gave up without even trying. Why bother with them if that is the case?
I think I understand your point, and do agree with the anatomical reference to what TheDonald® is–but I’d say that the sphincters in control in DC are the same orifice as he is.
“The little troll had the audacity to increase spending and straight up lie that he was ‘reducing’ the budget. And of course did absolutely nothing meaningful to stop Obama’s imperial amnesty.”
Well, that is not exactly true. From what I have read, Boehner had already agreed to the framework of the deal but could not pull the trigger (most likely because of the 40-50 members of the Freedom Caucus were balking at what Cryin’ John was trying to push through and his tenure as Speaker was at risk.)
Then came McCarthy, who would have passed the bill as is but was derailed by what may have been an affair with another member of the House; or so went the scuttlebutt.
Ryan was the compromise pick for Speaker. He would not take the role unless he had unanimity. He got it. As I understand it, Ryan got some concessions from the Democrats such as changing the law to allow the exportation of US energy. This has some incredible long term value for US energy producers. Ryan made chicken salad out of chickens**t.
All Ryan is doing is making sure Trump understands where the House is going and what Ryan is trying to accomplish. This has a lot to do with policy, as well as personality. If Trump truly wants to be POTUS, he better learn to get along with the Speaker. Ryan is not weakling like Boehner.
Trump probably would have gotten every concession he desired from Boehner. He would expect nothing less from a golfing buddy and texting pal.
I will not miss Boehner at all.
“All Ryan is doing is making sure Trump understands where the House is going and what Ryan is trying to accomplish.”
I’m going to fix that in a way normal people can understand:
All Trump is doing is making sure Ryan understands where the American people are going and what they are trying to accomplish.
Ryan is doing the donor class agenda. Trump will be doing the American citizen class agenda. The American citizens have decided to take control. Trump is their weapon.
Project much?
If you really think Trump is on your side (whatever side that is), you do not know who you are supporting.
The guy with no government experience is going to tell the Speaker what to do. Let that little fact settle in your mind and try to remember what you learned in your Civics class. You did take Civics, didn’t you?
“The guy with no government experience is going to tell the Speaker what to do.”
I don’t have any government experience and I am telling “the Speaker” what to do. I’m doing it through my representative, Donald trump, the next President.
And you, you are a slave, that thinks only the proper people can tell “the Speaker” what to do.
Pathetic. It is why this country is going downhill fast. Let me give you a clue, “the Speaker” is no better than any other American.
Oh, and that American with no government experience, the one with a record number of republican primary votes, before the primary has even been concluded: he will be telling ‘the Speaker” what the agenda is going to be. And “the Speaker” is going to get on the bandwagon. Care to bet?
Barry, your enthusiasm for Trump cannot be denied. Where do you go when he changes his positions yet again? Do you simply double down on someone you have to know reviles you as an insipid, easily-led pawn?
“Barry, your enthusiasm for Trump cannot be denied.”
Fuzzy, your TDS cannot be denied.
“Where do you go when he changes his positions yet again?”
First, on the items that matter, trumps “positions” have not changed, at least not yet. Second, and if so, how will that be any different than all the other politicians I have voted for? Third, Cruz changed his position on TPP. How do you fell about that? Or are you going to deny he changed?
“Do you simply double down on someone you have to know reviles you as an insipid, easily-led pawn?”
A common trait of you TDS sufferers is calling every one that see’s trump differently than you, names. Your condescension drips in every post you make. It’s not trump that bothers you, it’s the Americans that disagree with you. We just will not listen to your half truths and outright fabrications, like calling trump a fascist.
And you believe yourself to be oh so civil…
Trying to talk sense into Trump is fool’s errand, but I guess when you are speaker, you have to try.
My guess is that Paul Ryan will come out and say that they have reached understanding, and it will be a lie that he neither believes nor expects public to believe. But it would give him plausible deniability cover for later on.
If Bizzaro world Eddie Munster thinks he can dictate terms to Trump he’s gone beyond delusional. Of course given what he said yesterday that may well be the case.
Do you never Trumpeters agree with Speaker Ryan that he’s only taking a stand for true Republican conservatism?
Republican conservatism? Now that is a joke.
Not nearly as big a joke as the idea that Ryan is a conservative.
Neither Trump nor the Congress are going to “dictate” terms to each other. Each has their own legal role to play and it’s time we scaled back the imperial presidency.
And we have a better chance of scaling back the Imperial Presidency if we have a President who isn’t protected from impeachment by some sort of SJW card – like a colored hide or owning a vagina.
To Paul Ryan :
Go ahead and commit political seppuku. Please. And take the rest of the “establishment” with you.
Will never vote for “t-rump”.
Our current “one-party-system” is not working. We need a real second and/or third party.
( GOP and the Democrats = same party / different labels. )
The more I dig into the makeup / background of the t-rump supporters, the more I become repulsed by what I find …
–> Take Ron Paul’s “tin-foil-hat” crowd …
–> Throw in the rabid “KKK” types …
–> Add those who are “brain dead” from drug abuse/addiction.
This group has ( branded itself / is re-branding the GOP ) “cuckservative”. What exactly does that branding say about the I.Q. / emotional maturity of the “proud-to-proclaim”?
It does explain why no rational discussion is allowed and ALL interactions are personal attacks.
The more I dig into the makeup / background of the t-rump supporters, the more I become repulsed by what I find …
–> Take Ron Paul’s “tin-foil-hat” crowd …
–> Throw in the rabid “KKK” types …
–> Add those who are “brain dead” from drug abuse/addiction.
Pardon me if I’ve misread you … but is this your idea of a “rational discussion”?
My experience exactly.
Bull squat.
“The more I dig into the makeup / background of the t-rump supporter…”
What, are you looking under your bed after Mommy turns out the light? Your stereotypes sound like they came off Daily KOS.
Sounds like somebody’s been talking Ryan’s ear off all morning. Probably multiple somebodys.
So, Trump announced he won’t surrender to Ryan; that it’s Trump’s way or the highway. Then, a few hours later, it’s mirabile dictu time; Ryan is ready to talk. As is Priebus.
They’ll play “Thank you sir, may I have another,” as they’ve been practicing for years with Obama. (No, I did not just say that Trump is the same thing as Obama. I said that both GOP dinosaurs will cave to a stronger opponent, and pretend to do so gracefully.)
Dick Cheney is a patriot.
Ryan is an open borders shill for Amnesty who is most likely about to be Cantorized in his re-election attempt.
Will he pull a Vicente Fox, Megan Kelly special and beg Trump for forgiveness?
Coalescing. The music has stopped. Everyone grab a chair.
When Ryan, the Bush clan, Graham and others attack Trump, they are only making him stronger. Remember, these guys are loathed by all the Democrats and half the Republicans.
Think of it this way: if Obama, Pelosi, Schummer and Reid all came out against a particular Democrat, wouldn’t you at least give that person a second look?
Who needs this loser, besides the corrupt GOPe and Obama?
I think that people in the GOPe need to familiarize themselves with the term from over 150 years ago “Yellow Dog Democrat” and lesser known term “Yellow Dog Republican”.
If Trump is the Republican candidate on the November ballot, then NOT voting for him is helping to elect whomever is the Democratic candidate, whether it be Clinton or Sanders. This is an ugly reality, but they need to deal with it or the next eight years will be worse than the last eight years.
There’s no question that we’re through the looking glass at this point. Remember when Ronald Reagan was friends with Tip O’Neil, the democratic speaker? Those days are sure long gone now.
Executive authority is, by design, dependent upon and limited by legislative and judicial authority. If Trump can’t get along with Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House from his own party, then who can he get along with and what does he plan to accomplish? And Paul Ryan is probably the most respected person in the party right now – why are Trump’s followers trashing him like he’s Samantha Powers? He and his supporters are really their own worst enemy at this point and have no conception at all that they were and still are the “fix” that keeps Democrats in power this cycle when by all rights they should fleeing like French nobility.
“And Paul Ryan is probably the most respected person in the party right now…”
LOL, I want some of what you’re drinking.
TDS, there is nothing it cannot do.
Paul Ryan is a loathsome whore for the donor class.
And thanks for proving my point.
You’re welcome. Too bad you didn’t get mine.
But, you will, and soon. The American people do not give a damn about Ryan’s donor class agenda and are issuing orders for a change.