Rise of the Red Guard Week at College Insurrection
Your weekly report from the world of higher education.
College students all over the country have decided they know what’s best for everyone. Please report to the nearest Ministry of Truth office for mandatory reeducation.
- CSU Students Stage Die-In for Greater Diversity Funding
- Black Students at Cornell Want Mandatory Diversity Training for Faculty
- SFSU Students Stage Hunger Strike Demanding More Funding for Ethnic Studies
It’s all the rage.
- Middlebury College Requires Seminar on Privilege and Inequality
- Oregon State to Force Students to Take Social Justice Training
- Minority Students at U. Kansas Want Their Own Student Government
Why not listen to people who display such maturity?
- UC Santa Barbara Students Need Safe Space Over Conservative Speaker
- College Disinvites Speaker for Disrespecting Obama
Campus speakers is an ongoing issue.
- Black Conservative Disinvited From Speaking at Virginia Tech
- Jason Riley is Re-Invited to Speak at Virginia Tech
Some students think they’re the ultimate judge of who are the right kinds of people.
- Brown Students Protest White Person Doing Hindu Chants
- University Cancels Video Game Panel For Including Too Many Men
- Conservative Group Denied Recognition at Drake University
This campus culture isn’t working out too well at the University of Missouri.
- Enrollment Decline at Mizzou is Worse Than Previously Thought
- Mizzou Race Relations Committee Video Aims to Teach White People About Racism
Read more campus news at College Insurrection.
Featured image is a screen cap from Wikimedia.

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Thank you professor.
A friend of mine, Lily Tang Williams escaped out of communist China about 3 decades ago. She was in elementary school during the cultural revolution. She has direct experience of all this era. There is no finer & true American in a traditional sense than Lily.
Her main purpose in running is to warn about Common Core & other such government incursions into education & other areas of indoctrination.
I listened to her speak to a room of 16 to 18 republican’s. In the end they enthusiastically & unanimously endorsed her.
Lily Tang Williams. Libertarian candidate for U.S. senator to replace Colorado’s Michael Bennett.
Website, Lily 4 liberty.
For the view of someone who grew up in the Soviet Union (and was one of its propaganda artists), read Oleg Atbashian’s book:
And follow his satirical blog:
Well, it’s not like these young people have spontaneously become useful idiot leftist warriors.
This is a careful plan, hatched decades ago, and gone unopposed. You might say, it faced boehner-like opposition.
So now we have an army of corrupt bozos – of all color – doing the bidding of their sick, corrupt teachers, in exchange for a free ride through their twenties. (Wait till they reach the reality of their 30s- karma is a bitch.)
It can be stopped. But certainly not by the likes of a corrupt lox like Paul Ryan and the rest of the GOPe culture of failure and capitulation.
To the thumbs down commenters: let’s see you defend that.