Hamas Plans Public Executions in Gaza
They could pass Saudi Arabia for most death penalties.

Terrorist group Hamas plans to conduct public executions in Gaza in an attempt to bring down crime.
Ismail Jaber, the group’s attorney general, said he wants them to “take place before a large crowd.”
Hamas has thirteen men waiting for their execution after the courts convicted them “of murder connected to robberies.” Officials can seek the death penalty for “collaborators, murderers and drug traffickers.”
If Hamas conducts the executions, the numbers could push them past Saudi Arabia. The kingdom houses 31.5 million people and executed 153 in 2015. Hamas will commit more death penalties since they have a population on 1.8 million.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas must approve executions, but Hamas has not recognized his authority since 2007 when they clashed with his Fatah movement.
Hamas official Khalil al-Haya claims that the families of the victims “have the right to demand that the punishments be implemented.”
From Times of Israel:
According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), nine death sentences were handed down in the Gaza Strip in 2015 and two in the West Bank, run by the Palestinian Authority.
So far this year, around 10 more have been handed down in Gaza.
Of the more than 170 Palestinians sentenced to death since the creation of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, around 30 have been executed, mostly in Gaza, according to the PCHR.
Hamas has not publicly executed anyone since the war with Israel in 2014 when a firing squad killed seven people suspected of helping the Israeli forces after Friday morning prayers. The terrorists tied the victims’ hands behind their backs, covered their heads, and shot them dead. They wrote this on a wall:
“They provided the enemy with information about the whereabouts of fighters, tunnels of resistance, bombs, houses of fighters and places of rockets, and the occupation bombarded these areas killing a number of fighters,” it said.
Hamas carried out those executions after they killed eleven people at the police headquarters, including a woman.
Amnesty International claimed Hamas used to summer to “settle scores” against their opponents. A report found they executed 23 people and tortured others and many of those belonged to the Fatah movement:
“In the chaos of the conflict, the de facto Hamas administration granted its security forces free rein to carry out horrific abuses, including against people in its custody. These spine-chilling actions, some of which amount to war crimes, were designed to exact revenge and spread fear across the Gaza Strip.”

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The LEft will blame Israel, of course.
Shades of South Africa… or Serbia, or Ukraine. So, when does the intervention begin?
Send Lurch to stop them!
Dragging suspected collaborators behind motorbikes isn’t public?
I think the operative word was “plans”. Most of their killings are ad hoc. “Planning” will be more effective at conveying a terror message.