Facebook Will Meet With Conservative Leaders

Earlier this month, former Facebook employees claimed the social media site actively filtered conservative news from user newsfeeds.

In response to criticism, Facebook released a statement that explained their curating methods, which included corroboration with at least three of Facebook’s list of 1,000 approved websites, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

More than three Russian and Chinese propaganda outlets appear on the list, so a Facebook trending story could be sourced entirely by outlets controlled by those repressive regimes….More militantly communist publications such as Liberation Daily and the Global Times appear on the list as well. Liberation Daily, in publication since the Chinese Civil War, is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai. The Global Times is a “hyper-nationalist” publication that promotes a militaristic Chinese foreign policy.All of the publications carefully toe the communist party line, omitting references to events like the Tiananmen Square massacre and portraying persecuted groups like Falun Gong in a negative light. Freedom House has designated the Chinese press as “Not Free.”When asked about the state-owned propaganda outlets on its list, a Facebook spokesperson noted that the company’s guidelines require stories to be corroborated by at least three outlets on the list….The list also includes many left-leaning sites, such as the Atlantic, the Daily Kos, Jezebel, Gawker, the New Republic, the New Yorker, NPR, Mother Jones, MSNBC, Salon, Slate, Upworthy, Vox, and five websites for the Huffington Post.

Wednesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will meet with “Glenn Beck, CNN conservative commentator SE Cupp, Fox News co-host Dana Perino, Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute, and Zac Moffatt, co-founder of online campaigning firm Targeted Victory that has worked with numerous Republican candidates,” according to Yahoo News.

Beck explained on his public Facebook page:

And then took on allegations that Trump was excluded from the conversation:

Arthur Brooks also explained:

SE Cupp was a little more blunt:

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Tags: Social Media