Dying Vietnam Veteran Says Goodbye to His Horses

Vietnam veteran Roberto Gonzales does not have much time left, but he wanted to spend a few moments with his horses Ringo and Sugar.

His wife Rosario described the reunion:

“When the horses came up to him, he actually opened his eyes,” Rosario Gonzales said. “They came up to him and I think they were actually kissing him.”

The final meeting took place on May 21, exactly 46 years after he was injured in Vietnam.

A gunshot in Vietnam paralyzed Gonzales, but he did not allow that to stop him from working with horses. Rosaria said he “is one of the only disabled “registered horse trainers in Texas.”

A back wound brought Gonzales to the hospital where he discovered “liver issues and that his kidneys were starting to shut down.”

Medical officials wheeled him out to say goodbye to his beloved horses while surrounded by his family.

Rosario explained that the animals “are his life” and the couple has raised them “for 30, 40 years.”

[h/t Dan Riehl]

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: Culture, Veterans