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We can agree on one of these things

We can agree on one of these things

A close as we are likely to get to a Unity Ticket.

From Reader Blue —

Spotted in South Florida in early March 2016.

If I could pick only one, I’d definitely opt for sign No. 3.


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legacyrepublican | April 2, 2016 at 7:29 am

Spring Prison Break, eh Professor? 😉


In 1980, Reagan ws being pressured by the GOPe of the time to make Ford his VP. Ford was saying that he would take it only if he could effectively be a copresident. In the middle of the night, under pressure Reagan found a way out and called Bush. His biggest mistake.

The end result is the death of the Reagan legacy in 1988, and 28 years of GOPe running the party basically unfettered.

I heard much talk about VP choices, Trump-Cruz, Trump-Carson, Cruz-Rubio. When I heard it it made me cringe. No “unity” parties please. Let the candidate pick his own VP so his legacy can continue.

Subotai Bahadur | April 2, 2016 at 2:48 pm

From the looks of things, in any putative elections in November it will be [pick one]Ryan, Romney, Jeb, or other GOPe lop-earred dud -vs- [pick one] Hillary, Bernie, Biden, or a post-Constitutional Obama. Electoral politics will be moot, with all the unavoidable sequalae involved.