We can agree on one of these things
A close as we are likely to get to a Unity Ticket.
From Reader Blue —
Spotted in South Florida in early March 2016.
If I could pick only one, I’d definitely opt for sign No. 3.
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Spring Prison Break, eh Professor? 😉
In 1980, Reagan ws being pressured by the GOPe of the time to make Ford his VP. Ford was saying that he would take it only if he could effectively be a copresident. In the middle of the night, under pressure Reagan found a way out and called Bush. His biggest mistake.
The end result is the death of the Reagan legacy in 1988, and 28 years of GOPe running the party basically unfettered.
I heard much talk about VP choices, Trump-Cruz, Trump-Carson, Cruz-Rubio. When I heard it it made me cringe. No “unity” parties please. Let the candidate pick his own VP so his legacy can continue.
From the looks of things, in any putative elections in November it will be [pick one]Ryan, Romney, Jeb, or other GOPe lop-earred dud -vs- [pick one] Hillary, Bernie, Biden, or a post-Constitutional Obama. Electoral politics will be moot, with all the unavoidable sequalae involved.