Wasserman Schultz: Hillary emailed like other Secretaries of State (except for the private server part)

In an appearance on FOX News Sunday today, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schulz dismissed Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the ongoing FBI investigation as a non-issue.

Host Chris Wallace called her out for innacurate comparisons to other officials.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Schultz: Clinton Used Private Email The Same Way as Previous Secretaries of State … ‘Other Than the Private Server’Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) stumbled while trying to defend Hillary Clinton’s private email troubles on Fox News Sunday, claiming Clinton used a private email the same way as previous secretaries of state “other than the private server.”She also added the scandal was “ludicrous” but claimed she didn’t want to comment on it…Fox host Chris Wallace closed his interview with her by asking about her prior dismissal of the email allegations against Clinton.“How do you know that?” he asked.“I’m simply confident that as the investigation continues that Hillary Clinton has made it clear, and there are scores of individuals who are associated with the federal government that have indicated that it’s clear that she conducted herself completely legally, that she was able to use private email just like previous Republican and Democratic secretaries of state, and I think that at the end of the day this is going to amount to nothing more than an investigation when they take a close look,” she said. “I think she’s going to be fine.”Wallace pointed out the FBI had dozens of agents that had investigated the issue for months, adding Director James Comey revealed the probe could potentially go past this summer’s Democratic Convention.“Are you saying it’s all a waste of time?” Wallace asked.“I’m not commenting on it one way or the other, other than to say—” Schultz started.“Wait a minute, you have. You said it’s ludicrous,” Wallace said.Schultz said Clinton had used private email “in the same way that previous secretaries of state have done.”“You know that’s not true,” Wallace said. “Nobody says that’s true.”“Other than the private server,” Schultz said.

Here’s a video of the exchange:

Despite Schulz’s “nothing to see here” approach to the scandal, things could get much worse.

Politico reports:

FBI could leak Clinton email investigation, Grassley warnsThe FBI could leak internal reports of its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a home-brewed email server if the Obama administration stifles the inquiry, Sen. Chuck Grassley warned on Friday.A hypothetical leak could occur, he said, if officials believed Clinton was not being prosecuted for political reasons.“Is there going to be political interference? If there’s enough evidence to prosecute, will there be political interference?” the Iowa senator asked during a meeting on Friday with the Des Moines A.M. Rotary club, according to a report in the Des Moines Register.“And if there’s political interference, then I assume that somebody in the FBI is going to leak these reports and it’s either going to have an effect politically or it’s going to lead to prosecution if there’s enough evidence,” he said.

“Other than the private server” could become famous last words.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Chuck Grassley, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, Wasserman Schultz