State Department Wants to Bring in 1,500 Refugees Per Month

President Obama is still pushing for the U.S. to accept more refugees from Syria, and his agenda is now being supported by the U.S. State Department.

The Hill reports:

State seeks to pick up pace on bringing Syrian refugees to USThe State Department is hoping to bring an average of nearly 1,500 Syrian refugees to the United States per month in order to meet President Obama’s target of settling 10,000 refugees in the country by September.About 1,300 refugees have already been placed in the United States since Obama first made the commitment in September.That’s far fewer than those taken in by European countries such as Germany, who has dealt with an unprecedented wave of migrants fleeing Syria’s civil war, as well as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.Yet the settlement has provoked a significant backlash, mostly from Republicans, who argue it puts the U.S. at risk from terrorism.“It’s clear that ISIS wants to, has planned on attempting to infiltrate refugee populations. This is a problem. If one person gets through who is planning a terrorist attack in our country, that’s a problem,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, who recently returned from a trip to the region, said Thursday.“The administration — whether it’s Homeland Security or the FBI, cannot tell us that they can adequately screen people. There isn’t really a Syrian to talk to on that end of the equation to vet people, so it is a problem,” Ryan told reporters.The State Department says it has fallen behind schedule in meting Obama’s goal partly due to a lack of personnel available to interview refugees.

The ongoing concern of most Americans is security. ISIS has gone on record, saying they would infiltrate the refugee population and no one has forgotten that. Well, no one except Obama.

Deroy Murdock writes at Newsmax:

Obama Misses Muslim Immigrant ThreatAs Obama rolls out the red carpet for Middle Eastern refugees, he totally ignores the fact that militant-Islamic killers lurk among this bedraggled population.Obama replied to ISIS’ March 22 mayhem in Brussels, Belgium, by reasserting “our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL’s violence.”How excruciatingly ironic that one of those who brutalized Brussels, killed 32 innocent people (including four Americans), and wounded 300 more, was one of the same “refugees” to whom Obama promises “openness.”

The American people have legitimate concerns on this issue.

While we are a generous nation, we have to be wary of the potential Trojan Horse at the gates.

Tags: Barack Obama, refugees, State Department