Rick Scott gets even with “latte liberal” woman who screamed at him

Some woman screamed at Florida Governor Rick Scott the other day, including calling him an a-hole, in a video that went viral.

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The Gov just released his response:

After a viral video of a woman cursing him out in a coffee shop went viral this week, Florida Governor Rick Scott decided to unleash his own retaliatory clip on the world — and his very vocal critic.The video, titled “Latte Liberal Gets an Earful,” begins with a brief replay of the verbal barrage Scott encountered.And then calls her out as an unpatriotic, anarchistic monster.“That woman clearly has a problem,” the video’s narration informs the viewer. “And it turns out that she’s a former government official who refused to recite the pledge of allegiance and calls herself an anarchist.”The woman has been identified as Cara Jennings by Tampa Bay ABC affiliate WFTS.

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Needless to say, Latte Liberals are upset.

Tags: Florida, Liberals