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Identity Crisis Week at College Insurrection

Identity Crisis Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly report from the world of higher education.

What happens when a white man tells college students he’s a six and a half foot tall Chinese woman?

It seems reality is no longer important on campus.

The University of Missouri is one place that’s learning about reality.

Campus Trump panic continues.


Compare and contrast.

That’s one way to end a protest.

Read more campus news at College Insurrection.

Featured image via YouTube.


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legacyrepublican | April 23, 2016 at 10:17 am

Saw the great video on identity and the inability of the students to accept reality.

I wish to turn this argument into a win win.

Since reality no longer exists, and these fools will accept any premise for fear of hurting my feelings, I am no longer Legacyrepublican.

I am now a white male aged 73 named Joe Biden and I hereby resign the vice-presidency.

Depressed by what I just did I feel a change coming on.

Oh my, I am now a black male aged 54 who is 6″ 1′ named Barack H. Obama and I hereby resign the presidency.

Someone go swear in Paul Ryan please, he is now the president.

Now, dear college students, if you really don’t want to hurt my feelings, all the above is true, right?

Or are we going to outlaw Logic 101 because it could hurt someone’s feelings?

My goofy little dog has white fur and a black nose. I bring this up because recently a little boy was happily trying to decide what crayons to use to draw him when he suddenly got extremely upset finding himself saying that the dog was white with a black nose, because ‘it was racist.”

He was unconvinced and agitated by any argument to the contrary. “It’s a dog! not a person! It’s ok! Those are actually the colors of the dog!” “No!, I don’t want to be a racist,” he was crying.

So, finally, I suggested to his delight, that we instead describe the dog as , a “fluffy white dog with a sweet dark chocolate drop nose..” And he happily went back to drawing his picture.

What? What about white? Should I have said marshmallow.? Never mind. Marshmallow and chocolate!? Oh no, Just don’t eat the dog…

[Class] diversity… rears its ugly head, again.

Identity crisis… progressive confusion. perpetual confusion.

Female chauvinism. Male chauvinism…. are unreconciled.

Sexual education… humans are the product of spontaneous conception, right? The dysfunctional revolution.

Waitlists. Lost jobs. Welfare society… excessive immigration. illegal immigration. unassimilated and unintegrated.

Mass exodus. Progressive wars. Refugee crises. Social justice disasters. Millions aborted… anti-native policies, here, there, everywhere.