Hillary Loses in Wisconsin, Questions Sanders’ Democratic Creds

Hillary has had a rough primary stint, losing six of the last seven contests to the Democratic Socialist competition — Bernie Sanders.

USA Today reported:

In a victory speech from Wyoming — which holds a caucus on Saturday — Sanders claimed momentum and argued he is a stronger general election candidate than Clinton.“We are defeating Donald Trump by very significant numbers,” Sanders said of the Republican front-runner, before taking aim at the billionaire class, the fossil fuel industry and super PACs that are funding other campaigns. “Yes, we can change the status quo when we think big and when we have a vision,” said Sanders. “I am not naive, I know the power of Wall Street and their endless supplies of money.”

Clinton sent a congratulatory tweet to Sanders.

But the niceties were short-lived.

In a podcast with Politico’s Glenn Thrush, Clinton questioned Sanders’ Democratic credentials.

Sanders had just told an interviewer that he was iffy about raising money for down-ballot Democrats, so I asked Clinton the obvious question: Did she think Sanders is a real Democrat?“Well, I can’t answer that,” she said with a smile. Then she proceeded to answer the question. “He’s a relatively new Democrat, and, in fact, I’m not even sure he is one. He’s running as one. So I don’t know quite how to characterize him.”

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Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton