Welcome to the Cuban economy

President Obama’s visit to Cuba hurled our hostile little neighbor into the headlines.

Unfortunate (or fitting) photo-ops aside (though they should be enjoyed briefly), how about a little real talk on the state of Cuba’s economy?

A few months ago, a Vox reporter visited Cuba. Their findings were similar to exposés of most statist run countries. Highly skilled, well educated individuals like doctors, engineers, and nurses forsake their professions to work in restaurants, drive cabs, and participate in various other “illicit” employment that pays better.

Though economic conditions have improved ever so slightly since Raul (Fidel’s brother) has been in charge, serious investors are hesitant to put skin in Cuba’s game:

Many of the U.S. executives who have taken a look at the island amid the first steps toward normalization between the two Cold War foes intend to sit on their hands for now, according to a survey of 437 business executives recently conducted by the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, which advocates an end to the embargo.”It’s not only the bureaucracy. It’s the Cuban government’s view of its economic, social and political system,” said John Kavulich, the president of the New York-based advocacy group. “The Cubans are less than enthusiastic.”Cuban officials say they hope to attract some $2 billion annually in foreign investment in coming years. They are currently seeking bids on nearly 250 projects valued $9 billion in areas including hotels, marinas and golf courses, along with biotechnology, pharmaceutical and bottle factories.Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc. on Saturday said it had landed a multimillion-dollar deal to manage two upscale Havana hotels and signed a letter of intent to assume management of a third.Starwood, whose brands include the Westin, W, and Sheraton chains, is the first U.S. hotel company to enter the Cuban market since the 1959 Revolution. The deal fits Cuban officials’ stated desire to dramatically improve the island’s tourism offerings.Yet, despite the crush of pitchmen pouring into Havana, only three dozen foreign-investment projects have been approved since a new investment law was adopted in 2014, Cuban officials say, out of a total of 200 on the island.”This is not about doing whatever project that interests whichever foreign investor,” Deborah Rivas, the Cuban official charged with coordinating foreign investment, recently told Granma, the Communist Party’s newspaper. “We aren’t in the process of accelerating the privatization of the Cuban economy.”

Harvard Business Review reduces Cuba’s economic woes to three main issues:

Even if trade and local economies made strides to normalize, Cuba will face a long journey to relative prosperity.

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Tags: Cuba