Upset Alert: Bernie Sanders Beats Hillary in Michigan

One of the biggest stories from last night’s mini Super Tuesday was the Sanders upset in Michigan.

Forget about delegate counts and all that jazz for a moment. To fully appreciate the Sanders Michigan win, check out the pre-primary polling. Clinton was up anywhere from twenty to thirty points. TWENTY.

From Real Clear Politics:

Politico reported:

Bernie Sanders scored one of the biggest victories of his underdog campaign Tuesday by beating Hillary Clinton in Michigan, a delegate-rich state where she led by double digits in the closing days before voting.The 2-point upset came after both candidates invested time and money in the state, and fuels the argument from Sanders’ camp that he should not be written off after Clinton’s earlier wins.The outcome in Michigan is significant for Sanders because it demonstrates an ability to compete in diverse primary states — counteracting a knock frequently leveled at him by Clinton allies that he has only performed well in largely white states.”What tonight means is the Bernie Sanders campaign, the people’s revolution that we are talking about, the political revolution we have been talking about, is strong in every part of the country,” Sanders told reporters in Miami before the race was called. He predicted success in upcoming states, including in the West.In a statement after he was declared the winner, Sanders added: ““I am grateful to the people of Michigan for defying the pundits and pollsters and giving us their support. This is a critically important night. We came from 30 points down in Michigan and we’re seeing the same kind of come-from-behind momentum all across America.

Michigan’s open primaries may have lead to Clinton’s downfall.

Michigan had 130 Democratic delegates. 65 of those go to Sanders for his narrow win, but Clinton walks out with 58.

Meanwhile, Matt Yglesias has questions:

And we have answers:

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton