Super Duper Tuesday Open Thread

Welcome to our Super Duper Tuesday Open Thread. We’ll be updating all afternoon until around 7:00 PM EST when our live primary results post hits the internet. Be sure to refresh your browser for the latest updates.

Donald Trump wins Northern Mariana Island caucuses

Add 9 more delegates to The Donald’s total.

The Democrats bizarre super delegate situation, as explained in a cartoon

We interrupt this election coverage for a few gratuitous Ides of March memes

Military Times survey: Troops back Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders for president

So this is interesting:

The Republican front runner Trump was the most popular candidate in a subscriber poll that closed Sunday, with 27 percent saying they would back the business mogul if the election were held tomorrow. Sanders, the independent Vermont senator, was a close second at 22 percent.The results — based on responses from 931 active-duty troops, reservists and members of the National Guard — do not offer a scientific status of military voting preferences. However, they do show that the outsider candidates’ messages are resonating with individuals in uniform.

Rules are convenient until they’re not

Arguing with a poll worker can be risky business

Kasich is doing well

…with Democrats.

Closed primaries. How do they work?

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, 2016 Republican Primary