Trump Derangement Syndrome hits another American college campus.
Last week, Aleister blogged about the hubbub at Emory University where students took chalk markings reading “Trump” as a hate message:
The latest example of Trump induced psychosis is unfolding at Emory University where students were horrified this week to find someone took a piece of chalk and wrote pro-Trump messages on campus sidewalks. The horror!Rather than simply ignoring this like any normal person would do, certain activists within the student body are demanding that the university president denounce this message of hate.
A few days after the Emory incident, this terrifying message was left on a Scripps College student’s white board:
The victim expressed concern over the “racist” message. The College Fix has her facebook post:
In response, Scripps College Student Body President, Minjoo Kim, sent a campus-wide email condemning the “racist” act as one of “intentional violence.” Kim provided the information for students seeking mental health support after Whiteboard Gate.
But is this whole ordeal a hoax?
The College Fix posed the question to Kim who did not respond. “The lettering on the whiteboard and the poster has distinct similarities. Minjoo did not respond to a question of whether it was possible the incident could be a hoax,” they reported.
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