San Francisco Mayor Bans City Worker Travel to North Carolina

Last month, the city council in Charlotte, North Carolina passed an ordinance that included allowing transgendered persons to use bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, etc. for the gender with which they identify.

This did not sit well with North Carolinians, nor with their state legislature, and in a special session, the state passed a bill that would make it state law–thus over-turning the Charlotte ordinance–that people can use such facilities only for the gender with which they were born, not the one they identify with or claim to be.  North Carolina governor (and former mayor of Charlotte) Pat McCrory signed the bill into law late Wednesday.

Watch the report:

Needless to say, the SJWs are not happy, including Charlotte’s current mayor.

Fox News reports:

Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts, who pressed to get the anti-discrimination ordinance approved, said she was appalled by the legislature’s actions.”The General Assembly is on the wrong side of progress. It is on the wrong side of history,” Roberts said in a prepared statement. But McCrory said in a release “the basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings” was violated by “government overreach and intrusion” by Roberts and the city council.

San Francisco mayor Ed Lee has now established a ban on travel to North Carolina for all city workers, unless the travel is “necessary.”

Fox News continues:

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee said in a statement Friday he doesn’t want any city workers to travel to North Carolina unless necessary in wake of its legislation which blocks anti-discrimination for gay, lesbian and transgender people.“We are standing united as San Franciscans to condemn North Carolina’s new discriminatory law that turns back the clock on protecting the rights of all Americans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals,” Lee said in the statement.“Effective immediately, I am directing City Departments under my authority to bar any publicly-funded City employee travel to the State of North Carolina that is not absolutely essential to public health and safety.”

I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of this; the Washington Post has reported that companies such as American Airlines, Wells Fargo, Apple, Microsoft, Dow Chemical have “strongly opposed North Carolina’s law.”

Given the similar circumstances of the threatened Disney and Marvel boycott of Georgia, it may not be long before other companies jump in and try to force their will on the residents of North Carolina.

[Featured image via Fox News]

Tags: Culture, North Carolina, San Francisco, Social Justice