Obama Still Pushing Refugees After Brussels Attacks

Obama refugees Brussels

Despite the attacks in Brussels just days ago, Obama is still pushing for the U.S. to accept thousands of refugees from Syria and other countries.

In his four minute weekly address which you can watch below, Obama spends the first two and a half minutes talking about the Brussels attack and his efforts to defeat ISIS. He uses the remaining time to argue that if we don’t accept refugees, the terrorists have somehow won.

ISIS has vowed to infiltrate the refugee population in order to commit further acts of terror and may have already done so in Paris but Obama refuses to let go of this issue.

Here’s a partial transcript from the FOX News Insider:

Obama Calls for More ‘Openness to Refugees’ After Brussels Terror AttacksPresident Obama is calling for more openness to refugees in the aftermath of the Brussels terror attacks, urging Americans to continue leading by “example” when it comes to immigration policy.“As we move forward in this fight, we have to wield another weapon alongside our airstrikes, our military, and our counterterrorism work, and our diplomacy. And that’s the power of our example,” the president said in his weekly address on Saturday.“Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL’s violence, our determination to win the battle against ISIL’s hateful and violent propaganda, a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause.”

Watch the video below:

You don’t have to be a national security expert to see the flaws in Obama’s argument. It simply defies common sense and makes people question Obama’s intentions.

Keith Koffler of the White House Dossier blog makes the point well:

Obama Fights ISIS – by Letting ISIS InPresident Obama wants to protect the United States from ISIS by taking measures that could — yes — allow more ISIS operatives into the United States.In his weekly address Saturday, Obama suggested his policy of settling Syrian refugees in the United States could combat ISIS by giving the U.S. propaganda points for showing how much it cares. But his plan ignores that accepting Syrian refugees risks bringing into the country bad guys posing as needy migrants…Obama plans to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees during the current fiscal year, which ends October 1 — and even more during fiscal year 2017.Meantime, Europe, which has welcomed Syrian refugees with far more open arms — perhaps 1 million have entered in the last five years — is finding its empathy reciprocated with bombings and terrorism committed and planned in part by ISIS members who slipped into the European Union along with legitimate Syrian refugees.

The American people are extremely generous to people in need. Opposition to accepting more refugees has nothing to do with a lack of humanitarianism. It’s about self preservation.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Barack Obama, ISIS, refugees, Terrorism