Ted Cruz Speaks at AIPAC
Promises to use his time to mock Trump

All three remaining presidential candidates are scheduled to address attendees at AIPAC’s annual conference this evening. Donald Trump kicked off tonight’s keynote speeches at 5:00 PM EST (see here for our coverage).
Sen. Cruz vowed to use his speaking time at AIPAC to mock Donald Trump for skipping out on tonight’s originally scheduled Fox News Debate:
Trump said earlier in the day that he would not participate in the Fox News debate in Utah on Monday, and John Kasich quickly said that he wouldn’t attend if Trump didn’t. Later on Wednesday, Fox News formally canceled the event.
Trump said he would use his time instead on Monday to address a conference hosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the prominent pro-Israel group. Cruz’s campaign said in a statement Wednesday that Cruz would use his time at the same conference to “highlight Trump’s positions — or lack thereof — in front of the thousands of AIPAC members in attendance.”
“Let’s be intellectually honest about what’s going on here — Donald Trump is scared to debate Ted Cruz next week,” Cruz spokesman Ron Nehring said in a statement. “Perhaps Mr. Trump is unable to speak for more than one minute about any given topic because of his shallow understanding of basic policies, or perhaps he is scared of voters learning the truth — that he has spent his entire adult life promoting liberal positions completely opposite of the conservative platform that he has campaigned on.”
“Mr. Trump, if you won’t debate in Utah, we’ll bring the debate to you,” Nehring added.
Appearing later Wednesday evening on Fox News, Cruz charged that Trump specifically chose to speak at AIPAC’s conference on Monday, rather than on a different date on the multi-day conference, in order to create a reason to miss the Salt Lake square off.
“His excuse is silliness,” Cruz told Megyn Kelly. “He chose to speak right in the middle of the debate, because he’s scared of debates.”
Live updates:
Applause for Cruz, as he enters, notably quieter than applause for Trump. He's more right-wing than this crowd usually supports
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 21, 2016
Applause for Cruz, as he enters, notably quieter than applause for Trump. He's more right-wing than this crowd usually supports
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 21, 2016
Cruz will surely not use a script but I can predict his opening: "God bless AIPAC."
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 21, 2016
Cruz rebuts Trump from @AIPAC stage — "Palestine hasn't existed since 1948"
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 21, 2016
.@tedcruz: "America and Israel are in the fight together against radical Islamic terrorism." #AIPAC2016 pic.twitter.com/eZ5BgwYZQV
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) March 21, 2016
Cruz get scattered standing ovation for slamming Clinton excuse for Hamas hiding Gaza rockets behind civilians.
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 21, 2016
Difference between what @tedcruz 's sayin & what @realDonaldTrump read that someone wrote for him?Cruz actually understands what he's saying
— Michael Berry (@MichaelBerrySho) March 21, 2016
"As president, I will not be neutral." @tedcruz reminds #AIPAC2016 of Trump's previous neutrality pledge
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) March 21, 2016
.@tedcruz: “America will stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel.” #AIPAC2016 #Greta pic.twitter.com/ZELJ3w758h
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 21, 2016
I love @TedCruz and have no doubt he loves #Israel, but this is basically a rehash of talking points from the past several months/yrs #AIPAC
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) March 21, 2016
Cruz vows to defund any university that participates in BDS movement
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 21, 2016
Cruz leaves to a standing ovation after a strong speech to AIPAC.
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 21, 2016
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Every time Sen Cruz uses the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism” he tells me that his head is submerged in a pool of excrement.
And that’s the most benign interpretation of his propaganda I can muster.
He is so OBVIOUSLY playing to the ignorance of the unwashed masses it boggles the mind.
He thinks the American people are not ALERT to the THREAT posed by ISLAM qua Islam.
‘Tis stunningly true that Cruz’s DISCIPLES are brain dead, and such a pity for that.
No wonder Mr. Trump labels him Lyin’ Ted.
Right after Cruz’s modified stump speech with the same-old insincere talking points and over-religiosity, Cruz went on the Megyn show and repeatedly misrepresented Trump’s positions.
(Remarkably Cruz also did this in his AIPAC speech, to the same audience who had heard different from Trump.)
Which positions? The ones on his site or the ones that he states in debates which contradict his site or the ones from before his campaign that contradict all of them? Or the ones he contradicts himself on mid-debate?
please clarify
He misrepresented Trump’s position on the Iran deal and Trump’s position on Israel. (Two off the top of my head. There were others. Cruz repeatedly does this — seizes on some word that might have been the wrong choice or else is taken out of context, and then embellishes it into an entire false position that he attributes to Trump. Not to mention that he has coopted, copycat-like, other of Trump’s positions, such as the wall.
Meanwhile, Cruz also spouts typical politician pander, and I for one am sick of lies. Yeah, right, sure, he’s going to abolish the IRS. That’s an idiot sound bite. Or he’s going to “tear up” what is not even a contract on “day one”. I can’t stand this kind of meaningless rhetoric. Trump doesn’t do this.
Poor, demented cultist.
“The wall” was a Ted Cruz issue years ago when Mr. Establishment was supporting the Gang Of Eight with his contributions, and meeting with Dreamers.
“Trump doesn’t do this.”
That’s because Trump won’t take a hard stance on anything. When you support both sides of every issue it is kind of difficult to say definitively what you will do. Of course you won’t be able to complain that he didn’t give you what he said he would if he becomes president either.
So the fourth-grader narcissist fabricates a series of untruths about a real conservative and devout Christian, Ted Cruz. and the Trump Hive Mind sings along. No proof provided but the carny barker said it was so. Sad that the education system in this country has downgraded the selection of the President of the United States to emotionalism and name calling.
Why are all of these liberals suddenly visiting conservative websites to spit on Ted? And why are these so-called angry populists so stupid about who Donald Trump is and what he is not – a smart businessman.
Perhaps its his short sentences and four-letter word vocabulary, and his repeating points often are serious indications of dementia. The Donald is turning 70 very soon.
But we conservatives know that once a New York liberal, always a New York liberal.
“Ted’s hArrible! I’m terrific! Believe me! Look at the polls! Believe me!”
Then go ahead and puke; you clearly need a cathartic release.
And I will do so all over you. Punk.
Trump’s speech was way better.
Those in attendance certainly seemed to think so too, judging from the applause.
I saw three headlines. AIPAC lrespoded warmly to Trump’s speech. And to Sen Cruz’. And to Hillary(!).
That last is amazing. She was Sec’ty of State for Obama and his policy to cut support for Israel.
Those guys are pretty polite.
“Clinton delights AIPAC”
Hillary’s speech sent a thrill up my leg!
Would you say it was a ‘tingle’?
As always, Cruz was brilliant! Statesmanlike, informed, and both cogent and conservative. Presidential.
Just one point: how is it “mocking” to address issues and counter viewpoints in a speech when an opponent RUNS IN FEAR, like a scared brat-bully who has punched the other guy but can’t take anyone fighting back, even VERBALLY?!
Kemberlee, Kemberlee, Kemberlee. How shallow, or naive, you must be. It isn’t mockery (here is the definition, just in case you forgot what the word REALLY means); it’s called civil debate – only in this case, it is point-counterpoint via speech, since the fraidy-cat bombastic bully runs away from a one-on-one formal debate forum.
Are you still stuck on Rubio – or is it Kascih you now favor? Or….have you gone over to the dark side and gone all-in for Donald “Flexible” Trump? Your bias shows, once again…….
An aside – I notice the Trump-trolls are her en masse.
I love how they use the thumbs-down to reveal who they are…..aside from the snark and ad hominem posts. (Yes, HarrietHT, I’m talkin’ to you….)