Will Rubio survive to fight another day?

Welcome to our live coverage of tonight’s GOP debate.
How to watch:
When and where is the debate? The Republican debate will be held at the University of Miami at 8:30 p.m. ET Thursday.
How can I watch it? It will be broadcast live on CNN, as well as live-streamed online at and across mobile devices for all users without logging in. CNN International and CNN en Espanol will also simulcast the debate. Salem Radio Network will be the exclusive radio provider for the debate.
Who will moderate the debate? CNN’s Jake Tapper will moderate and CNN’s Dana Bash, Salem talk radio host Hugh Hewitt and The Washington Times’ Stephen Dinan will join as questioners.
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To plagarize Weird Al, “I’d rather jump naked onto a big pile of thumbtacks” than watch another Republican debate. (Besides, I already voted for Cruz.)
I mute Rubio and Kasitch. It makes the whole exercise tolerable to me, and it gives me a glimpse of what the real choice it.
My Husband convinced me to watch the last debate. I turned it off after 30 minutes and we didn’t speak the rest of the night.
Not repeating that fiasco tonight.
“Will Rubio survive to fight another day?”
If by fight you mean engage in a desperate but doomed attempt to pretend the end isn’t near or that he has some hope for turning things around, then yes he likely will survive to ‘fight’ another day. But, that’s setting a pretty low bar for survival.
Watch this:
or this:
All GOPs suddenly sounding like Trump on trade and immigration.
“All GOPs suddenly sounding like Trump on trade and immigration.”
You mean like where Cruz explained how Trump’s 45% tax will be paid by American consumers?
Cruz either doesn’t understand that Trump would only be using this (and other) sanctions for a very short time if at all in order to make China stop cheating — or else he’s doing what he frequently does re Trump: deliberately “misunderstand” or abbreviate a point in furtherance of misleading people.
You mean like when Cruz explained he has no understanding of our leverage with China or how to negotiate with them to bring about real change by taking the one thing off the table that could bring them to heel. You know like the way McConnell negotiates with Obama by first taking its only weapon, government shut down, off the table.
Shows the difference between a doer like Trump and a talker politician like Cruz.
Also shows how all the politicians up there tried to sound like Trumpon Trade but are lying don’t mean it and don’t understand how to do it.
Great summary documenting how Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich all lied about their actual support for Obamatrade.
Cruz lied in Thursday’s debate about his previous support for TPP:
Can the twitter thingy be changed to not keep adding posts until you scroll back up for more? It is totally annoying.
As for the debate, Trump’s gross lack of knowledge is on full carnival barker parade, as usual. Maybe he can get that Heil Hitler salute again from his idiot supporters while he yelps like Sgt. Schultz, “I know nothing!”
This debate was mostly free of the nastiness. Almost boring.
TRUMP 52.32% (86,440 votes)
CRUZ 40.42% (66,772 votes)
RUBIO 3.89% (6,433 votes)
KASICH 3.37% (5,561 votes)
Total Votes: 165,206
Trump won in all the on-line polls. Again.
Amazing how many people know how to clear browser cookies.
If that’s true, then it’s amazing how only Trump supporters are motivated to do this. But that doesn’t seem to me to be a reasonable supposition. Especially given how these numbers are so “yuge”.
Updated Drudge Poll Results From Today:
TRUMP 63.42% (259,692 votes)
CRUZ 24.7% (101,140 votes)
RUBIO 6.41% (26,260 votes)
KASICH 5.46% (22,363 votes)
Total Votes: 409,455
Shubio and the other guy (whatever his name is) should bow-out, and make room for the real GOPe powerhouse team that’s coming in the final GOPe hour: the Romney/Boehner ticket. Make way for the loser and the boozer.
For the 997th time: why is the GOP debate on CNN?
As was stated by Trump in last night’s debate, mathematically Rubio & Kasich have no path forward to win nomination.
Time to either end the debates or eliminate them both from any future debates. They are only a distraction now.
Saw a camera shot of both Rubio and Trump at their debate podiums and was shocked to see how small Rubio appeared.
Rubio knocked it out of the park. That was a clinic on how to present conservative values and ideology in a bright, optimistic way. Not preachy and not compromising values .