Join us in celebrating Human Achievement Hour 2016 (#HAH2016)

Happy Human Achievement Hour!

The good folks at the Competitive Enterprise Institute organize the hour-long event each year.

What is Human Achievement Hour?Human Achievement Hour is CEI’s annual celebration of human progress! During this hour, people around the world pay tribute to human innovations that allows us to live better, fuller lives, and defend our basic human right to use energy to improve the quality of life of all people.

How to Celebrate? Please celebrate Human Achievement Hour by sharing your favorite human achievement or innovation that makes your life easier!Use the hashtag #HAH2016 to tweet examples and photos to @ceidotorg. Join the Facebook event today here!

I can think of no better way to celebrate Human Achievement Hour than PBS’s series, How We Got to Now (currently streaming on Netflix).

The series chronicles innovations from individuals often left out of the history books, despite their substantial contributions to societal progress.

However you choose to celebrate, we invite you to enjoy the brilliance of the human mind and all those achievements, large and small, that brought us to now.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Environment, Political Correctness