Iran to Build Statue of Captured U.S. Sailors

It seems that Iran is having trouble getting the Obama administration to understand just how little it respects or fears Obama’s America.

They do keep trying, though.  They bully and cajole the Obama admin while dangling empty promises and outright lies before them, and they repeatedly declare that their goal is, first, the destruction of Israel (wipe Israel off the map), and second, the destruction of the United States (we’re the “big” Satan after Israel’s “little” Satan.).

That’s okay, the Obama admin assures us, Iran doesn’t mean what its leaders say (there may be a certain amount of projection here).  Iran does love and respect—if not America then—its fearful leader.

Iran’s theocratic leadership shakes its head in disbelief  . . . and pure joy.  How weak! How malleable! How ineffectual!  Iran loves a weak American president as Jimmy Carter found out to the detriment of his second term dreams.

Pushing the envelope, Iran has. without much notice and with zero rebuke, flown a drone over a U. S. aircraft carrier , test-fired multiple-range missiles, and recently, somehow managed to capture 10 American sailors.  The subsequent world-wide humiliation of our sailors was clearly meant to serve dual purposes: convince the Iranian people that the U. S. is a paper tiger that will bow and scrape . . . no matter what Iran does.  The second purpose was to undermine the American president and his grovelling Secretary of State who had the temerity to thank Iran for the treatment of our sailors.

There was a lot of outrage about Iran releasing photos of American sailors on their knees.  This photo release was not necessary, and it was clearly intended to poke Obama and Kerry.  Obama and Kerry, though, didn’t see a problem with these images.  Iran decided to up the ante, get a bigger stick with which to poke lame and passive American leaders.

Last month, they reenacted the capture and humiliation of our sailors in a “Revolutionary Day” parade:

As David has noted here at LI, Obama’s passivity and weakness puts Iran in the driver’s seat.  And Iran knows it.

What’s next?  Iran is building a statue of the ten captured sailors, on their knees, as a propagandistic tourist attraction.

The Telegraph reports:

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is planning to build a statue of the US sailors who were captured in Iranian waters earlier this year, a senior officer said.The provocative proposal is likely to cause outrage in the US and be seized on by Republicans opposed to President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran.Commander Ali Fadavi, the head of the Guard’s naval forces, said the monument of the surrendering Americans would be a “tourist attraction”.“There are very many photographs of the major incident of arresting US Marines in the Persian Gulf in the media and we intend to build a symbol out of them inside one of our naval monuments,” he told Iran’s Defense Press news agency.. . . .  The statue is likely to be built on Kharg, a small Iranian island in the Persian Gulf not far from where the sailors were captured.The monument could feature as a stop for travelers on the Rahian-e-Nour, a semi-mandatory pro-regime pilgrimage that takes visitors to historical spots from the Iran-Iraq war and extols the virtues of the Iranian military.

Tags: Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal