Charlie Daniels has a message for the Ayatollahs

The latest in the NRA’s Freedom’s Safest Place video series features Charlie Daniels, who starts out with a provocative statement:

“You might have met our fresh-faced flower-child president, and his weak-kneed Ivy League friends.”

Good thing he limited “weak-kneed Ivy League” to “friends” of Obama. Otherwise I’d take great offense.

Here is the full text:

To the ayatollahs of Iran and every terrorist you enable: Listen up.You might have met our fresh-faced flower child president and his weak-kneed, Ivy League friends.But you haven’t met America.You haven’t met the heartland, or the people who will defend this nation with their bloody, calloused, bare hands, if that’s what it takes. You haven’t met the steelworkers and the hard-rock miners, or the swamp folks in Cajun country who can wrestle a full-grown gator out of the water.You haven’t met the farmers, the cowboys, the loggers and the truck drivers. You don’t know the mountain men who live off the land, or the brave cops who fight the good fight in the urban war zones.No, you’ve never met America. And you oughta pray you never do.I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m Freedom’s Safest Place.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran, NRA, Terrorism